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"where are you going?" kazumi asked, looking at y/n before looking at the clock. it was 1 in the morning.

"to bother kuroo"


y/n turned around and kazumi groaned. she had that same smile on her face that she did when she went to annoy the younger members of the team.

"cuz im bothersome"

"well then-"

"don't add to the population, don't subtract from the population, i know, i know, the usual" y/n cut her off.

"just don't get lost or kidnapped" kazumi sighed, "or killed, and don't kill anyone either. OR YOURSELF"

"jeez what do you think i am? a suicidal maniac?" y/n raised her eyebrows as she slipped out the door and into the corridor.

"eren" kazumi whispered to herself as y/n closed the door.

y/n ran down the stairs and out into the field. she couldn't sleep so she was looking out the window when she'd seen kuroo strolling in the field before she decided to go bug him.

but when she stepped onto the grass and looked around, there was nobody there. it was eerily silent.

y/n scanned the field from left to right. nothing.

except the grass swaying with the night breeze and the soft glow of the moon casting long shadows across the field.

it felt a little too isolated for y/n's liking. maybe she should've listened to kazumi and stayed in the room.

eh fuck it

she was here now so might as well roam around amirite?


don't roam around alone at night in a place far from home, that's dumb but it's ok cuz y/n's the main character.

so she walked a few laps around the field and thought about lots of things, like food. sushi is good, pizza too.

"boo!" someone snuck up behind her and put their hands on her shoulders, making her flinch so violently, her hand instinctively punched whoever it was without looking.

she whipped around only to find kuroo groaning and rubbing his nose where y/n had punched him, "i'll have to get double life insurance if i plan to keep hanging around you"

"you had it coming, sneaking up on me like a fucking pedo" y/n rolled her eyes.

"and what about you? didn't your mom ever tell you not to step out alone at night? what if i was a pedo?"

"then i would've kicked you in the nuts and gouged your eyes out, judo flipped for good measure and ran full speed to kazumi" y/n beamed.

kuroo nodded in approval, "seems legit"

"ofcourse it's legit, i came up with it"

kuroo rolled his eyes, "yeah yeah, you still haven't told me what you're doing here"

"no what are YOU doing here?" y/n poked his chest.

kuroo didn't answer, instead he put his hand on the small of her back, guiding her towards the bleachers.

it was kinda funny how both of them knew exactly why they were here but neither was ready to say it.

y/n broke the silence, "what would happen if you laid on the grass and spent the night sleeping here?" she pointed at the ground.

"well, i'd wake up the next morning with bug bites and go to the gym for practice"

"no what if some animal eats you"

metanoia *ೃ༄ kuroo tetsurou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now