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a coin toss decided nekoma would be serving first.

y/n spun the volleyball in her hand and confidently walked to the back of the court, fist bumping kazumi on the way.

y/n was an entirely different person on the court and that never failed to fascinate kazumi. if only she were like that off the court too, kazumi's life would be a lot easier.

the ref blew the whistle for the serve but y/n waited. she had a whole of 8 seconds, she took her time.

itachiyama's players watched like hawks, their gazes drilling holes into her head. but it didn't matter, she wouldn't get thrown off as long as she stayed focused.

so she exhaled and threw the ball up in the air, taking two steps ahead and then jumping.

kazumi, who stood by the net, covered the back of her head with her hands.

y/n used one arm to provide leverage and the other came up to level with the ball. her cupped palm touched the ball and BAM.

the ball slammed down onto itachiyama's side of the court so hard, it seemed to compress for half a second before ricocheting off the wall of the arena.

everyone froze in shock

y/n loved it whenever she served in front of someone for the first time because all they could do was stand there in stunned silence. it fed her ego.

and she deserved it too, after all she'd worked her ass off perfecting that damn serve. it was all in fruitful effort.

itachiyama's #4 stared at the floor with a horrified expression. the ball had tapped down right next to her and she'd been unable to move.

it was almost like the sheer speed of the incoming ball had terrified her into temporary paralysis.

she looked up at y/n who smiled sweetly and waved her fingers at the girl.

cheers erupted all around them in the arena.  yamamoto took off his shirt and started spinning it around, yelling like a madman.

"stop embarrassing us yamamoto" kuroo grabbed the waistband of his shorts and pulled him back in his seat.

"that was so cool" inuoka whispered, looking at y/n with stars in his eyes.

yaku nodded in approval as he force fed kenma a sandwich.

lev jumped up and yelled, "IM GONNA BE AN ACE JUST LIKE Y/N SENPAI"

kuroo grabbed the hem of his tshirt and pulled him back down, "you fix your rookie blocks first"

down on the court, kazumi ran to y/n and punched her lightly in the stomach, "have i ever told you i hate show offs?" she smiled.

"multiple times" y/n smiled back.

the match continued and the match ended.

guess who won?

you guessed it,


jk jk thats not what they said


the team ran to hug one another and the first years sobbed. y/n ran to kazumi and threw herself into her arms, both laughing like crazy.

third year at nationals let's gooooo.

coach nekomata, looking extremely pleased, called them over for post match briefing.

when all the formalities were over as well as the boys matches (they lost to fukurodani, but still qualified for nationals cuz tokyo had a lot of teams), the nekoma teams met up outside the bus.

y/n walked over to kuroo with a grin on her face and a skip in her step, "15-15"

he tilted his head and smiled down at her, "i'm not gonna say anything cuz we did lose, but not for long"

"how are you gonna say you're not gonna say anything and then say all that?"

"how are you gonna pay all that attention to what i'm saying and then say you hate me?"

"cuz you're very hatable"

"i'm pretty sure that's not a word"

"i'm pretty so it is a word now"

"that's a new kind of pretty privilege"

"well you know, i'm one of a kind pretty, not your usual pretty, so obviously i gotta have one of a kind pretty privilege too" y/n grinned.

"ARE YOU TWO PLANNING TO GET IN OR NOT?" the assistant coach yelled at them, startling them to death.

that's when they realised they hadn't boarded the bus while they were busy bickering back and forth.

now they were the last ones left and only one two seater bench was empty.

how lovely

y/n rushed to take the window side before kuroo could even move. he sighed and sat down in the isle side next to her.

the bus ride was silent cuz everyone was tired, so they all took a nice nap. kenma plugged in his earphones and started playing one of his games.

frankly, y/n was too tired to argue with kuroo, she fell asleep.

on his shoulder.

kuroo looked down to see a small amount of drool falling from her lips but he was too tired to push her away.

he put his head on hers and took a nap too.

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