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"yes sweetheart?"

"we have a problem"

"no, YOU have a problem but go off"

"literally die"

"aww c'mon tell me what idea your pretty lil brain had that went horribly wrong"

"how did you even reach that conclusion?"

he shrugged, "seems like a you thing to do"

y/n swallowed, unsure of how to put it, "so i may have pissed kazumi off-"

"you did what?"

she rolled her eyes, "you heard me"

"do you realise how much of a menace you have to be to piss kazumi off?" he looked at her incredulously but also slightly in awe.

"shut up i know that" she snapped.

"what did you even do?"

y/n timidly laughed, "yeah that's the issue. i forgot"

"you-" kuroo stopped himself and sighed, "of course you forgot"

when y/n didn't say anything back, kuroo looked down at her with an evil glint in his eyes.

"why are you here hm? don't know how to apologise to her?" he taunted.

y/n's brows furrowed, "ofcourse i know how to apologise to her!"

"so why are you here?" he playfully raised a brow.

"k then, ill leave" she turned on her heel and pretended to walk away.

about a second later, she bit her lip to stop herself from smiling when she felt his hand grab her wrist. he turned her around with enough force to make her stumble onto him.

two fingers under her chin, he tilted her face up to look at him, "oh come on y/n love laugh live"

she scrunched up her nose, secretly enjoying this, and removed his hand from her face, "i'm love laugh leaving"

"no i don't think you are" he smiled as he pushed her against the wall, trapping her between his arms.

she looked up at him through her lashes, patiently waiting for his next move but it never came.

"don't give me those eyes" he muttered

"what eyes?" she asked, not looking away.

kuroo looked at her for a good 10 seconds, it was taking all of his energy to hold back. she was so snarky, so irresistible, all he wanted to do was fuck her senseless, shut her pretty lil mouth up-

but he was one to practice restraint and that's exactly what he was going to do right now.

he backed away and he could swear he noticed the subtle shift in her demeanour that gave away her disappointment.

"let's play a game" kuroo proposed.

"what game"

"i'll ask you a question and if you answer incorrectly i get a kiss"

"and if i refuse?"

"that's against the rules"

"k, shoot"

"would you rather have unlimited bacon and no video games or unlimited video games and no video games?"


the door to the nearest empty room slammed shut as kuroo pinned y/n against it and kissed her so rough, her brain fucking short circuited.

he bit down on her bottom lip, slipping his tongue in as soon as he got the chance.

metanoia *ೃ༄ kuroo tetsurou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now