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they reached the stadium and the coaches got off the bus, followed by the players.

a first year, kyoko stood outside the bus, her skin was turning green from nausea and anxiety.

"she looks like she's going to cry go say something," kazumi whispered to y/n and nudged her towards kyoko.

"but you're the captain!"

"captain is for group speech therapy, you are for individual mental shock therapy, now go lighten up her mood a little," she shoved y/n towards kyoko.

kuroo watched in amusement as y/n cheerfully skipped over to the girl and slung an arm around her shoulders, putting all of her weight on her.

"why do you look like you just had a premium taco bell meal and now you're ready to blow up your toilet?" she asked kyoko.

kazumi face palmed and kuroo snorted behind his hand.

kyoko looked up with a queasy expression which only worsened when she saw y/n.

she began talking weakly, probably about to explain how she gets nervous, "i have this thing-"

but y/n wasn't here for that

"no time for a thing, that's a thing, let's fucking go!" she pointed at the stadium and dragged kyoko along with her.

"that girl's going to puke even more now, so much for therapy" kazumi miserably mumbled as kuroo hyena laughed behind her.

y/n entered the stadium, still pulling kyoko along but they didn't get far before they were stopped by two girls standing in front of them, blocking their way.

y/n looked at their jerseys, itachiyama's #1 and #4

"can we help you?" she asked them as kyoko cowered under their glares next to her. she was definitely going to throw up.

"isn't that l/n y/n?" #4 asked #1 who smirked and looked y/n up and down, "you're up against us today l/n, prepare to lose"

y/n looked at them weird, "who are you?"

the girls shared a look, "you don't remember?"

"don't take it personal, i don't even remember what i had for breakfast"

"we're not the same as last year l/n, so watch it," #1 threatened.

"oh so we've beaten you before? good good, that's very good," y/n nodded in approval with closed eyes and crossed arms.

"senpai we should rea-" kyoko tried to interject but y/n gasped.

her eyes opened wide, "i remember you! you're the losers i found in the bathroom last year"

"i gotta tell you those shorts are doing nothing for your ass" y/n added, looking directly at #1

"and thats your business, how?" the girl asked

"hey im just saying, if you're gonna lose atleast look hot while doing it" y/n put her hands up in surrender.

"you seem pretty confident on winning," #4 put her hands on her waist and raised an eyebrow.

"you wanna know why? cuz i've been to nationals two times in two years and that's twice more than you," y/n held two fingers up.

"you're stepping on a mine l/n," #1 warned.

"should i start dancing on it too?" y/n asked, grinning like a child.

"can i fry her ass already?" #4 asked #1

"do it, she's not the boss of you, is she?" y/n smiled provocatively, she was having too much fun now.

"y/n senpai i think-" but kyoko got cut off again.

"let's do it, you fry mine ill blast yours, let's go" y/n instigated.

that's when someone pulled her back by the collar of her jersey. y/n turned around, ready to yell but quickly shut her mouth when she saw kazumi.

uh oh.

"nobody will fry anything," kazumi said in a scarily authoritative tone, instantly shutting everyone up. y/n always wondered how she had that effect on people.

y/n raised her hand, "what about blas-"

"no blasting either!"


kazumi addressed the two girls, "why don't you show us what you've got on the court instead of cornering my teammates? if anything it goes to show how poor your sportsmanship skills are"

"you can say that again to this bitch," #4 spat at y/n but #1 silently pulled her away.

kazumi sighed when the girls had left and turned to y/n, "you gotta stop talking shit about people right in fromt of them, you'll get your ass clocked some day"

"and you gotta stop worrying, nobody can clock my ass if im the strongest" y/n waved her off.

"this gojo satoru complex of yours is exactly why i worry about you"

"pro tip, you know what i do when im worried?" y/n asked kazumi, slinging one arm around her shoulder and the other around kyoko's.


"nothing cuz im never worried" y/n laughed and pulled both of them away.


nekoma boys would be against fukurodani, and their match wasn't until later so they decided to lounge on the bleachers and cheer for their girls.

the whole crowd broke into loud hoots and claps as the girls walked into the arena following behind a fierce looking kazumi.

kuroo watched with interest as y/n walked onto the court in a plain black jacket over her jersey zipped up halfway and shorts. she had tied her hair up in a  ponytail.

she squinted up at the bleachers only to find kuroo already looking at her and looked away.

they had a score you see, and as of now, it was 15-14 with kuroo in the lead. y/n was determined to turn it around.

y/n smiled as she heard a lot of whispers among the crowd mixed with boos and yays.

"i heard their setter is phenomenal"

"the captain looks more confident though"

"the captain is the setter you idiot"

"isn't that l/n y/n? she's one of the top aces in the country"

"she looks mediocre"

"they say she's got a monster jump serve"

"that short one is the libero, she's deadly. what's her name again? hanajima kyoko?"

"she looks like she's got hepatitis A"

"nekoma's defence is unmatched"

"itachiyama looks pretty tough too"

"im so excited for this match"

kazumi glanced at the part of the crowd cheering for nekoma and everyone quietened down at once.

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