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"i'm telling you kuroo san-"

"go find one then"


"if you want a female manager so bad, go get us one" kuroo rolled his eyes.

"but i don't know how to talk to girls" yamamoto pouted.

"then we won't have a female manager i guess"

"you really have no chill kuroo san"

"right? he's basically an uncle at this point" y/n interjected, making yamamoto laugh.

"you've got some balls showing up after what you did last night" kuroo looked down at her.

"atleast my balls have never been kicked" she smiled up at him.

"it's not often that im provoked to hit a girl"

he was an asshole, but he would never touch a girl without consent and she knew that.

"you couldn't even if you tried, so no big deal"

"don't tempt me"

"what if i do?"

"you won't like the consequences"

"ooh i'm scared, is that another one of the lines you heard in your how-to-be-an-alpha-male-podcast?"

surprise surprise, another glaring contest commenced between the two, but the tension was real this time.

finally kuroo broke the silence and spoke, not breaking eye contact, "yamamoto tell the boys to put up the net, coach said we're having a girls vs boys match today"

"aye aye captain" the bleached mohawk saluted and walked off backwards.

"we're at 15-16" y/n reminded kuroo when yamamoto had left.

"i'm well aware, seeing as i got us to that" he smiled menacingly.

"get ready to lose 16-16 today" she smiled back.

it was funny how often they smiled at each other. so close yet so far.

on the opposite side of the gym, kazumi's y/n senses tingled and she ran over to them lest a fight break out.

"if what ive heard about last night is true, you two better stay far far away from each other today" she warned.

y/n narrowed her eyes at her friend, "i never told you what happened, wait" her eyes widened, "have you been texting yuta?!"

"calling actually"

"that's even worse" y/n wailed dramatically and clung onto her arm, "i thought we had something, i thought he was just the side dick"

"you're forever my number one you goof" kazumi laughed and poked y/n's cheeks.

kuroo cleared his throat next to them, "girls vs boys match today" he informed kazumi, "also isn't yuta old?"

"that's exactly what i told them. for some reason both of them think its okay????" y/n said with wide eyes.

"to jail he goes" kuroo agreed.

metanoia *ೃ༄ kuroo tetsurou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now