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"ouch!" y/n quickly pulled her hand away as kazumi poked the bandage on her finger, "it hurts when i touch stuff"

"don't bite your lip, it'll bleed again" kazumi reminded y/n

"didn't realise i was biting" y/n muttered under her breath.

"how did that even happen?" her friend asked, looking at her finger. 

"i kinda burned myself in the lab"

"and who bandaged it up for you?"

"what do you mean? i did it myself" y/n looked at her friend indignantly.

"liar, you can't even clean a simple cut by yourself, let alone a burn"

"some image you have of me" y/n tutted with an offended look.

"it's not an image darling, i speak from observation"

y/n rolled her eyes, "yeah yeah whatever, rooster head did it"

kazumi's mouth opened and then she closed it before one could "oya"

then she opened it again, "kuroo bandaged your finger?"


"and you let him??"

"was i not supposed to..?"

kazumi looked taken aback, "no it's just i didn't think you'd be fine with that"

"well he said he was doing it cuz he didn't want me to have an unhealed burn when we played matches at the training camp cuz he wanted to beat me or whatever"

kazumi laughed at y/n's utter cluelessness, "he said what?"

"i know right" y/n laughed along, "stupid fucker thinks he can actually beat me. ill up the score in no time"

kazumi laughed harder in bewilderment, "yeah.. sure, stupid fucker indeed"

"bro i don't think i can play today, i can hardly touch anything with this finger" y/n sighed wistfully, rotating her finger like a helicopter blade.

"finally" kazumi sighed in relief, "atleast you'll get some much needed rest, go tell coach about it"

so y/n went to tell coach nekomata how she had burned her hand. he said exactly what she knew he would say

"HOW CAN YOU BE SO CARELESS? go sit down and make sure it heals fast"

now how the fuck do i make it heal fast? sing a lullaby?

she did feel a little bummed about not being able to practice all cuz of a tiny burn but it had just happened less than half an hour ago so it was still fresh.

it should be fine in a couple hours maybe? that only meant she'd have to practice extra hard once her finger was better.

she was about to walk away but coach called her back, "y/n you mind finding kuroo for me? he hasn't shown up"

she groaned, "do i have to, coach?"

"yes you most certainly do, now off you go"

she stomped her feet all the way to the doors of the gym so coach would know she's absolutely not pleased with this side quest.

as soon as she stepped out of his line of sight, she started walking normally again.

now to look for that bedhead freak.

then she remembered the note, what if he was actually behind the gym?

but he threw the note away? but what if he still went?

whatever, it would be faster if she just looked there and got this over with.

so she began walking to the back of the gym, but got distracted when she saw a cat. it was so cute, she just had to catch it and cuddle it and squeeze it to death.

okay maybe not that last part, but the cuteness aggression was real. so the next 10 minutes were spent chasing after the cat.

for some reason the cat always seemed to slip out of her hands whenever she caught it.

the cat finally came to a stop and y/n grinned evilly, "its over for you kitty cat" and she swooped down to catch it.

surprisingly the cat didn't resist.

y/n grinned triumphantly and looked up only to see a really pretty girl with tears in her eyes and.. kuroo.

then she remembered what she was originally supposed to do.

the girl spotted y/n and ran away with her face in her hands. kuroo simply stood there with an apologetic look on his face.

"all you do is ruin people's day for real" y/n shook her head in disappointment.

"what are you doing here?"

"looking for you cuz your incompetent ass is late" she stood with one hand on her hip and the other holding the cat.

kuroo's eyes landed on the cat briefly before turning back to y/n.

"if that cat bites you, you won't be able to play"

"stop obsessing over whether or not ill be able to play when we both know ill beat you, cat bite or no cat bite"

"i like the way you think, it's cute"

"you are disgusting"

and with that y/n turned around and started walking back to the gym with kuroo following a couple metres behind her.

while walking y/n looked at the cat in her hands, he was white and fluffy with piercing blue eyes.

she cooed at him, "you look like gojo so i wanna call you gojo but i also don't wanna call you gojo cuz thinking about him makes me sad so let's call you miso"

"can you stop talking to an animal that's so lame" kuroo called and stuck his tongue out.

y/n turned around to face him with an annoyed look on her face and held miso up like baby simba from lion king.

"shut up degenerate, bow down to miso"

kuroo stared at her with that same look she was having trouble figuring out lately and slowly lowered his head.

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