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"how much you wanna bet i can get it all the way to the other side of the gym?"

"the confidence you have in your muscle strength is ridiculous"

"shut up riko, if you're jealous just say it"

"jealous of who? of YOU?" riko snorted making y/n roll her eyes.

"whatever amateur, watch and learn," she threw the ball up in the air and hit it without jumping. it soared to the bleachers but came to a stop right before crossing them.

y/n tsk'd and riko giggled, imitating her, "whatever amateur, watch and learn"

"you do it then," y/n raised a brow and put a hand on her hip.


and riko threw the ball up in the air and hit it.

much to y/n's delight, it didn't go nearly as far hers.

she snickered and mocked riko, "gladly"

"you lit-"

before riko could get one derogatory comment out, kaori, fukurodani's manager shoved open the gym doors, "have you both had dinner?"



she sighed, "y/n go have dinner before they clear it up"

"aye aye," she skipped out of the gym without wasting a second, she'd seen how scary kaori could be.

that girl wasn't the kazumi scary type, not even the yaku scary type, she was the type to straight up smile while threatening to kill your entire family.

and personally, y/n does not fuck with that.

in the mess hall, she spotted kyoko and pranced over to the poor girl who was eating, blissfully unaware of the fact that she was about to fall victim to food theft.

y/n snuck up behind her, tapped her right shoulder and stole her bowl of fruit from her left.

by the time kyoko realised what had happened, y/n was long gone.

more specifically, y/n was sitting at the fukurodani table right across from bokuto who was telling her some very interesting story about the time he saved a mosquitoe's life by eating it (?)

most of it was going right over y/n's head.

the boy wasn't done talking when kuroo interrupted by pulling a chair right next to y/n.

she groaned, "go away, he was just getting to the good part"

"good part of what?" kuroo asked, taking a piece of fruit from y/n's (kyoko's) bowl. she smacked his hand away but it was too late.

"im telling her about when i saved bob," bokuto explained.

"you named your mosquito bob?" y/n asked him incredulously.

"yeah so that night, i had a dream about bob and he was like really happy and thanking me for eating him..."

bokuto's voice dulled into a hum as y/n got lost in her own thoughts. it was the last day of camp, they would be leaving the next day.

she was determined to rile kuroo up as much as she could to get him back for the previous night.

bokuto continued talking about whatever. the story had changed now apparently, it was about the time he showed up to volleyball practice in swim trunks.

but that didn't matter, not when y/n could feel kuroo tensing up as her hand creeped onto his thigh under the table.

she smiled and nodded along as bokuto animatedly moved his hands around in the air to demonstrate exactly what shape swim trunks are.

she smiled wider when she felt kuroo shifting uncomfortably as her hand went to places only he could see.

but it was short lived, he picked his plate up and scooted his chair back, which forced y/n to retract her hand.

and the next second, he was gone :/

"and then i introduced my pirate gang to my akaashi- i mean- akaashi and-"

"im kinda full, sorry bo," y/n smiled apologetically and quickly left before she would be tempted to sit back down by bokuto's drooping hair.

she could deny it all she wanted but he had grown on her. and for the better, as kazumi put it, "very optimistic guy"

oh well, right now she had only one person in mind.

and that person she found, on the third floor, about to enter his room.

"excuse me," she said, faking urgency and walked past him, making sure her ass was all up against him as she did so.

now she would've made it, except she didn't.

he groaned as his hands snaked down to her waist and he turned her around to face him, not letting her get away, "oh sweetheart you've gone too far with this"

fight or flight, y/n

his grip on her waist tightened

fight it is

"with what?" she looked at him through her lashes with feigned innocence.

he looked into her eyes as if searching for something, a permit, an indication of any sort.

then she cracked a small smile and her eyes twinkled, that was all he needed.

he grabbed her jaw and pulled her face towards him.

before she could get a word out, he pressed his lips against hers, kissing her roughly.

he pushed her up against the wall, hands roaming all over her body as she pulled him impossibly close.

he guided her into his room, lips not leaving hers for a second. she smiled when she heard the lock click.

unclear how or when, but she found herself on his bed.

kuroo was hovering over her, leaving soft kisses down her neck, then back up to her jaw. he bit her bottom lip and went in for another kiss.

he finally pulled away and she gulped at the way he was looking at her.


she may have fucked up

it didn't take sherlock to see kuroo was done messing around with her. right down to business.

but was she enjoying this fuck up? hell yeah

she wrapped her arms around his neck, "you're not rooming with anyone?"


"not even kenma?"

"why would you think that?" he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"just you know," she giggled, "everyone thinks you have a thing for him"

"everyone thinks i have a thing for YOU"

y/n's lips curved upward, "do you?"

he tilted his head and smiled at her, "maybe"

my bad for the late update, my parents were getting divorced
also i broke up w my bf of 2 years my life frfr an angst fic rn

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