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y/n had no idea when she fell asleep or how in the world tsukishima was fine with her drooling on his shoulder, but yes that happened.

she was woken up by kuroo's foot nudging her side. she squinted cuz of the light shining in her eyes. light from the tv screen.

y/n looked to her side and giggled, tsukishima was quietly snoring with his glasses lopsided. then she took in her surroundings as the grogginess started to leave her body.

the tv was still on and the sky outside the windows was dark.

"it's not morning?" she asked kuroo who was still nudging her with his foot.


"then what'd you wake me up for? fuck off" she elbowed him in the shin and leaned on tsukishima's shoulder again, just about to fall back asleep.

kuroo groaned and rubbed his shin with a roll of his eyes, he squatted next to her, "wake up you snorlax" he lifted her head up from tsukishima's shoulder.

"no" she leaned her head on kuroo's chest instead, making him sigh.

"you know kazumi's gonna gut me out like a fish if i don't take you back on time"

"no she's not" y/n mumbled, sleep just about to take over.

"oi don't fall asleep" he patted her cheek but she was deep in her slumber.

kuroo sighed again and then wondered just how many times he sighs when he's with her. then he snaked an arm under her thighs and the other around her waist and lifted her up.

he walked out of the room and looked down to see y/n drooling on his tshirt.

halfway down the corridor she blinked awake and snorted, "heh"

"don't tell me you're drunk on sleep" kuroo laughed at her.

"no i'm laughing at you, carrying me like a peasant"

"yeah well i don't have much of a choice do i? trust me id drop you right here and now if it weren't for kazumi"

"mhm" y/n hummed and fell asleep for half a second and then woke up again, "kazumi's not the boss of you and she's also not my mom"

"i'll have to disagree with that last part" kuroo poked her side.

"ow, bitch"

"apparently you complained about your back aching all day like a fucking grandma the last time you slept on the floor so kazumi does not want to go through that again"

"hm 's all your fault" y/n mumbled against his chest.

"of course, should never have asked you to watch the movie, how stupid of me" he played along.

"on god"

"if you fall asleep i'll drop you" kuroo warned, noticing how sleepy she sounded.

"you won't"

"try me"

"okay" y/n happily closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

kuroo loosened his grip on her, letting her fall two inches before he caught her again.

y/n gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck. maybe a bit too tight, but she couldn't care less.

"don't do that again!" she hissed, making kuroo chuckle.

"i gave you a warning" he shrugged

"i hate you"

"you love me"

"sure" y/n sarcastically agreed.

that was good enough for kuroo. he walked the rest of the way happily humming to himself and occasionally bumping y/n's leg against the wall just to piss her off.

but she couldn't give him the satisfaction of thinking it worked, so she pretended to be asleep the entire time, just to spite him.

he reached her room and knocked. kazumi opened a second later and paused when she saw y/n passed out in kuroo's arms.

she didn't say anything, just stepped aside to let kuroo place her on the bed and leave.

then she put her hands on her hips and cleared her throat, staring at y/n who was now laying on the bed.

"aight get up"

no response.

"i know you're awake"

y/n opened one eye and recoiled, seeing kazumi peering down at her, "HOW? HOW DO YOU ALWAYS KNOW?"

kazumi laughed and ruffled y/n's hair, "you don't usually frown when you're asleep, also you clench your jaw"

y/n's mouth formed an o, "is that why my face hurts when i wake up?"


kazumi walked back to her side of the bed and got in, "so"

"so?" y/n looked at her.

"getting cozy with kuroo?" she smirked.

y/n huffed and turned her head back to stare at the ceiling, "i'm just trying to get on his nerves, still hate him though"

"when are you going to admit that you don't actually hate him?"

"never cuz i do actually hate him very much"

"mm you're in denial"

"am not"

"are too"

"how so?"

"remember that day when you told me you hate him after we qualified for nationals?" kazumi asked.


"your adrenaline was spiking constantly that day cuz of the prelims and then you lost a 2v2 against him and you were exhausted by the end. exhaustion makes you cranky y/n"

"that literally doesn't explain shit" y/n deadpanned.

"im not done yet" kazumi rolled her eyes, "as i was saying, since we both know you're a stubborn ass, you are trying to stick to what you said that day even if you didn't mean all of it and not how you actually feel because you can't come to terms with the fact that you don't actually hate him as much as you think you do"

"also because proving yourself wrong will hurt your massive ego" she added quickly with a snort.

y/n remained quiet, taking her time to process whatever kazumi had just told her.

all of it was true ofcourse but it would hurt her ego to admit that too 🤦‍♀️

"it's at times like these that i hate you more than kuroo" she grumbled

"you love me" kazumi smiled and poked y/n's arm.

she turned the nightlight off and went to sleep. but y/n was thinking about their conversation.

so what if she didn't hate kuroo? he was still only tolerable.

but sometimes she enjoyed fucking with him. maybe that was cuz she was a sadist.

oh no, am i a sadist?
eh i don't care

then y/n decided to do what she usually does in situations where she doesn't know what to think,

she stopped thinking and took a nap.

shit goes left when you think too much anyway.

metanoia *ೃ༄ kuroo tetsurou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now