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"you don't understand. carlos sainz is perfection okay? perfection. i can treat him so good-"

"y/n wait. you hear that?"

"all i hear is my love for carlos sainz"

"no dumbass, come here" kazumi pulled her against the wall and the girls listened.

it sounded like the coaches were having a conversation about-

"BARBEQUE!-" both girls yelled with stars in their eyes and then kazumi clapped a hand over y/n's mouth.

"shh!" she hissed and hurried y/n away from there.

"bar-be-que! bar-be-que!" y/n danced as they walked to the gym.

when they entered the gym, riko walked over to them, "why do you look like you just stole candy from a child and are happy about it?"

"cuz that's exactly what happened" y/n gave her a thumbs up.

riko was about to leave but y/n pulled her back and slung her arm around her shoulders, "i'll tell you something"

"what if i don't wanna know?" riko raised an eyebrow and turned her head so their faces were just inches apart.

"i wasn't asking" y/n smiled and booped riko's nose, "now-"

"you annoy me to extents i didn't think were even possible"

"that was the goal, now as i was saying-"

"can you hurry up and say it already?" rolled her eyes with an annoyed huff.

"can you let me finish?" y/n mocked her.

"hurry up"

"am trying to. so as i was saying.." y/n trailed off to piss riko off just a little more but the girl just stared at her with a 😐 expression so she continued.

"i overheard the coaches talking about something"

"coaches?" riko asked.

"yeah, they're planning an abduction" y/n said seriously.

"go lie somewhere else" riko pushed her away.

"i know all i do is mess with you but im not messing with you" y/n said with wide eyes and such perfectly feigned innocence it made riko hesitate, "kazumi was there"

"who's the lucky abductee then?" riko 🤨'd.

"what's so lucky about being an abductee?" y/n 😒'd.

"i don't know, maybe the fact that you can pretend to be passed out and steal all their inside info and then escape and go home and blackmail them online?"

"that's a good idea i'll keep that in mind next time"

"what do you mean next ti-"

"so they're planning to abduct a short person" y/n cut her off.

"is it the height deficiency guy from nekoma?" riko asked.

"don't be racist riko it could be a girl" y/n dramatically rolled her eyes.

"that's sexi-"

y/n gasped, "that's not sexy riko! what's wrong with you?"

riko's expression changed to one of so much exasperation and y/n's heart fluttered. it was too much fun riling her up.

"i hope you're the abductee for real for real" riko crossed her fingers.

"see? now you know what i meant by next time" y/n grinned and ran away to kazumi before riko could smack her.

"you guys fight like a married couple" kazumi pointed out.

"eh i'd say siblings"

that's when the coaches entered the gym. y/n turned to look at riko and snorted, she looked so on edge, side eyeing the coaches. poor girl.

practice ended as usual and the coaches asked everyone to assemble in the field outside.

y/n looked at riko again as the girls walked, she looked like she was about to puke. 🤭

out in the field, the boys were already there. y/n and kazumi walked to where bokuto and gang were standing.

they had dragged tsukishima there, or atleast that's what it looked like from the face he was making.

"what's all these grills been set up for?" some random guy asked as he walked past the group.

"no idea" kazumi lied.

akaashi sighed, "if only i had some meat i could grill on these"

"what do you mean if only" y/n smirked

akaashi went "huh"

so y/n also went "huh"

"if you bring meat here, they'll coffin skate it" bokuto said, with an expression equalling that of a wise saint.

"he means confiscate" akaashi quietly said.

then one of the coaches cleared his throat, "today, we have organised a barbeque for all of you, dig in!" he announced and some people brought out trays full of meat and cheers erupted all over the field.

"there's your meat akaashi" y/n snickered as he gave her a look.

then she turned around to find riko. the girl was glaring daggers at her. good.

just when y/n thought something was missing, the something showed up, "barbeque huh?"

"kuroo my bro" bokuto went to dab him up like they hadn't just seen each other less than 15 minutes ago.

the pieces of meat were placed on the grills soon after and all the teens started eating, most had to hafashafa it down cuz it was too hot.

y/n pointed at kuroo, "can you grill and wrap it in lettuce for me"

"i don't know, can i?" kuroo sneered.

she stared at him with a straight face for two seconds before he rolled his eyes, "fine"

he leaned forward to grab the lettuce leaves and some of the meat off the grill, making y/n smile.

"that's right, listen to mommy" she ruffled his hair.

"god i hate you" he grumbled as he handed the chopsticks to her.

"me when i lie" she grinned and gobbled the whole piece up in one bite.

metanoia *ೃ༄ kuroo tetsurou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now