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"the person reading this is so cute and i told her i could fly and she totally believed me-"

kazumi cut yaku off mid-story, "y/n this is the guy's house, go tell coach to stop the bus," she pointed at a house outside the bus window.

y/n groaned, "i was hoping you'd forget about that"

"unfortunately i haven't forgotten so go hurry up, we don't have forever- yaku stop whining!"

and so y/n found herself ringing the doorbell of the guy she'd threatened last week.

she really didn't understand what the big deal was. he was a third year and he was much taller and bulkier than she was. why did he get so scared?

the door opened and a man's head popped out.

"is your son home?" y/n asked him.

"i don't have a son"

"yes you do? the one that goes to nekoma"

"he's my brother.."


that's when y/n heard someone running down the stairs and up to the front door.

"who is it-" the guy spotted y/n and his face paled.

"wait i need to talk to you!" she called out as he tried to run away. he slowly sulked back to the door.

the big brother seemed a little confused but patted his younger brother on the shoulder and left him alone with y/n.

"relax i'm not gonna eat you alive," the girl rolled her eyes when she noticed how tense he looked.

"i know, you're gonna chop my balls off instead," he said in a horrified whisper.

"it's not that deep," she dismissed him with a laugh.

"it is that deep! i had a panic attack i thought my life was over! you know you can die if your balls are chopped off! what if i died?" he flailed his arms around dramatically.

y/n was not impressed.

"that happens to everyone no need to be so pussy about it, here's what i need you to do-"

he cut her off, "wait-"

"don't interrupt me when im talking!" she snapped and then continued, "i have zero interest in your balls so you're gonna suck it up and go to school, okay?"

he obediently nodded, "okay"

"okay," she smiled, clearly satisfied, and walked back onto the bus.

"did you apologise?" kazumi asked once she was seated.

"of course i did zumi zumi, what kinda person do you take me for?" y/n beamed at her friend.

"the bitch kind" kuroo responded, making both the girls turn to him.

"oh wow you used your critical thinking skills for once, congratulations," y/n slowly clapped her hands.

"you gotta sacrifice extra braincells when you're talking to dumb hoes" kuroo leaned forward to look at her.

"captain he just said a bad language word," y/n playfully complained to kazumi and pointed a finger at kuroo.

"yaku would you mind switching seats with me?" kazumi asked the libero who was sitting next to y/n.

"like hell i'll sit in between these two, you can suffer alone," he laughed in her face.

kazumi looked up at the roof of the bus and prayed, "god help me"

"that reminds me, there's this jesus looking dude in karasuno isn't there?" y/n asked no one in particular.

kuroo thought for a second and then it clicked, "yeah they dress him up as jesus too for Christmas every year"

"you're kidding," kazumi laughed.

"am not, they crucify him to the volleyball net, it's a whole ritual," he confirmed.

"he's too soft spoken to object," kai added and the rest of the third years jumped in shock.

"you're so soft spoken we keep forgetting you're even here," kuroo mumbled.

kai smiled like ᵔ ‿ ᵔ

"to be honest it's funny cuz asahi is the biggest guy at karasuno," yaku snorted.

"now that i think about it, what's with all the big guys being pussies?" y/n wondered out loud.

lev, who was sitting two seats ahead of them, turned around and poked his head up to look at the third years

"and all the small ones being feral chihuahuas like yaku san!" he yelled.

"LEV SHUT UP YOU EGG" yaku yelled back.

"you're getting too comfortable cuz he can't kick your ass in the bus, but don't forget he's still demon senpai," kuroo reminded lev.

the first year pouted and quietly slumped back in his seat next to kenma.

"poor kenma, he looks like he's ready to die," y/n laughed.

"that's what happens when you have to tolerate lev for longer than 5 minutes," yaku said.

"i'll tolerate lev over these two any day," kazumi definitively said, pointing at kuroo and y/n.

"hey! i get the him part but what's wrong with me?" y/n asked with feigned indignance.

she knew exactly what was wrong with her, she just didn't care much.

"well for starters, you're childish, stubborn, cocky, irresponsible, get borderline killed everytime you cross a busy street and.." kazumi trailed off as she noticed y/n looking at her with twinkling eyes.

the captain sighed, "and cute"

"i knew you couldn't resist me," y/n said with the biggest smile on her face.

"guess we gotta get kazumi some eye glasses since she clearly has impaired vision," kuroo sardonically commented.

"that's rich coming from someone who only has one functional eye cuz his stupid bed hair covers half his face"

"atleast my bed hair looks hot"

"maybe you need glasses if that looks hot to you"


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