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'If he's as bad as they say, then I guess I'm cursed
Looking into his eyes, I think he's already hurt
He's already hurt'

1919, Birmingham

Rowena and Thomas were walking into the Garrison together, arms linked, people moving out of the way. Tommy threw open the doors, people turning to look at the two. Harry walked up with two drinks, whiskey and a water. "On the house, Mister Shelby, Miss Tanith."

Freddie Thorne was sat in the corner with his commie friends when he heard their names. He got up and set himself next to Tommy. He ordered a drink then looked to Tommy who took a drag from his cigarette. Freddie slid a coin Tommy's way. "Cheers, Thomas... Rowena, good health to you two." He took drink of his beer.

Neither of them looked at him.

Freddie took Tommy's Peaky cap. "The crown of a prince. Where's yours, princess?" He tossed the hat back onto the bar and looked back to Tommy. "Soon to be king, I'd bet."

"You don't bet." Tommy said, not missing a beat.

"No, but these past few days I've been speculating."

Rowena rolled her eyes and sighed. Leaking a swig of Tommy's whiskey, she said "about what?"

"One of my union comrades has a sister who works in the telegraph office at the BSA factory. She says that over the past week they've had messages coming up from London to the brass. From Winston Churchill himself." He informed. "Something about a robbery. 'A robbery of nation significance' it said. She found a list of names on the telegraph machine. And on that list was your name and my name together."

"What are you going on about, Freddie?" Winnie huffed.

"This doesn't concern you, love." Freddie said, not even looking at her instead he kept his eyes on Tommy. "What kind of list would have the name of a communist and the name of a bookmaker side by side?"

Tommy sighed. "Perhaps it's a list of men who give false hope to the poor. The only difference between you and my Freddie... is that sometimes, my horses stand a chance of winning." He stepped back and took a smoke from his cigarette.

Freddie got into Tommy's face, "You know, there are days when I hear about the cuttings and beatings that I really wish I'd let you take that bullet in France."

Rowena stood up from her stool. "Get the fuck out. Now. Or I'll cut you."

"It's alright love," Tommy set his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder lightly pushing her back onto the stool. "Believe me Freddie, there are nights I wish you had."

Suddenly, the door swung open and in came a running Danny Whizbang. He flipped tables, broke glasses, just causing chaos. He went around pushing people and trying to fight them. Tommy and Freddie chased after him while Winnie herded everyone into a corner away from the three men.

"They're going to get me!" Danny shouted, his eyes clouded as he was in an episode. Tommy looked to Freddie and counted down, both of them eventually pulling him to the ground.

Winnie watched with tears in her eyes. This poor tortured soul, she thought. Tommy spoke reassuring words in one ear and Freddie did the same. Eventually Danny calmed down and got up with the help of the other two men.

"It's alright, it's alright." Tommy assured once they all got up.

Danny seemed to snap out of it, "did I do it again?" He asked brokenly.

Winnie slowly stepped up and carefully set her hand on his shoulder. "You did it again, Danny. But it's alright." He started crying, she grabbed his face and made him face her. "You've got to stop doing this, hon."

Danny started hyperventilating again. "Oh god! Mr Shelby I'm so sorry!"

Tommy shook his head in dismissal. "It's all right. You go hike to your wife now, Danny. Try and get all that smoke and mud out of your head, eh? Go on."

Danny walked out with a solemn face. Harry walked out from the back and started to carefully pick up pieces of glass. "Mr. Shelby, you have to something about him."

"Damn right, Harry." Freddie snickered. "You pay the Peaky Blinders a lot of money for protection."

Winnie slowly turned to Tommy, "you better hold me back I swear to god." She whispered.

Freddie kept talking. "You're the law around her now, aren't you Tommy? Maybe you should put a bullet in Danny Whizzbang's head like they do with mad horses."

Winnie stood and slammed her hand on the bar but Tommy pushed her back down onto her stool. "Maybe I'll put a bullet in your head someday too." She snapped. Danny was so sweet, he only ever treated people nicely. He had a wife and kids.

"I wouldn't complain about that, sweetheart." Freddie sighed. Winnie 'hmph'ed, Tommy put his peaky hat back on. The two walked out with linked arms.


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