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'The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad
If we got each other, and that's all we have
I will be your lover, and I'll hold your hand
You should know I'll be there for you'

1919, Birmingham

It was the morning after the bonfire. The previous night, the blinders held a bonfire in the middle of Watery Lane to prove a point to the coppers.

Polly and Winnie were at the dinner table when Ada walked in. "Good of you to join us." Polly said without looking up from the paper she was reading. "Where have you been?"

"In bed." Ada answered. Polly and Winnie looked to each other. Ada continued, "couldn't sleep. Then I couldn't wake up. Then I was cold and then I had to go for a wee. Then I was with this bear in a boat, but that was a dream. Then I was hungry."

That went on for awhile, Winnie thought as she sipped her morning cuppa tea.

Ada sat down with her toast and jam. "Why are you reading the paper?" The question was directed towards Polly.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Polly bluntly asked.

"I've never seen you read the paper." Ada pointed out.

Winnie grinned into her cup. "Only ever lights fires with 'em." Ada giggled in return.

Polly playfully rolled her eyes. "The BSA are on strike. The miners are on strike. IRA are killing our boys. Ten a day." She suddenly stopped talking and looked at Ada.

Ada and Winnie shared a look. "What?" The Shelby woman asked.

"Stand up." Her aunt commanded.


"Just stand up." Ada huffed but did what her aunt asked nonetheless. Polly stood up as well. "Side on." Polly then gripped Ada's breast in her hand, which obviously caused the girl to squirm away.

"Polly! What are you doing?!"

Polly remained calm. "Ada..." she started. "How late are you?"

Ada shifted. "One week." Polly's gaze hardened. "Five weeks." Ada gave in. "Seven if you count weekends. I think it's a lack of iron. I got some tablets."

Rowena slowly stood up and walked up to the two women. "But they didn't work, did they?"

Ada didn't have to say anything. The women in the room already knew the answer.


The three walked out of the clinic with the news they already knew. As Ada walked out, she lit a cigarette and put out the match. Polly and Winnie pushed off the wall they were leaning against then walked to Ada. "Keep walking. If anytime sees us here, they'll know." Was all Polly said.

"I'm not getting rid of it, aunt Pol." Ada dropped.

"Just come home and we'll talk about it." Was all she said, her grip still tight on her niece.

"Get off me or I'll scream it, I swear." The women stopped.

"All right. You want to do this on the street? Let's do it. Whose is it."

"It's okay you can tell us." Winnie comforted but she Shelby woman shook her head.

"If I tell you, you'll tell them, and they'll cut him to pieces."

"Not if he marries you, they won't." Polly tried to assure. "Will he marry you?"

"I don't know. I don't know where he is."

"Jesus Christ, Ada!-" Polly was about to go on a rant but Ada stopped her.

"Look, he's gone away but he said he'll come back."

"But they all say they'll come back."

"Maybe he's not like that. Out Ada chooses right. I'm sure he's a great guy, Pol." Winnie jumped in. Ada turned and hugged her.

"He will come back, he promised! I know he will..." She sobbed into the brunette's shoulder.

Look who's backkkk
Lol sorry it has taken me so long to update stuff has been happening so I've been pretty stressed

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