Part 1:The start of War;Invasion

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Nate: Fourth Garrison regiment, fire volley!

The young boy yells as the troops fire their muskets at this other-worldly enemy

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The young boy yells as the troops fire their muskets at this other-worldly enemy

Saderran pov

They managed to gain a lot of ground, but then, barbarians with long staves arrived in a long line and fired some sort of magic attack at them.

Centurion: Shield wall!

The soldiers obey the command and form a shield wall, but the ones who hold the formation tightly fall dead

Soldier: What the?!
Soldier 2: Our shields didn't stop the attack!!
Soldier 3: They're coming at us!

Eldian pov

Nate: Tear them a new one, lads!

The garrison charge with bayonets, further causing disruption in the enemy's command structure. Causing the fight to be a free-for-all instead of an organized battle.

Saderran pov

As soon as the barbarians destroyed and disrupted their communications, they charged as the spiked end of their staves pierce through the weak spots within the armor

Soldier: Fucking savages!
Centurion: Hold your ground! Stay firm and show them that we bring order and--

Before the Centurion finished, a lone barbarian managed to kill him from afar, causing the legion to panic and fall into disarray

Four hours in...

Fort Eren, normally, it's just a regular fort in case of war. Now, it's become a sanctuary for the Eldians as they hide within the fortifications as Nate and the garrison monitor the enemy movements

Nate: How many are we facing?
Garrison soldier: Over 500,000. Mostly infantry and cavalry, they even have aerial units. Like us.
Nate:*Groans* Just our day...
Garrison Soldier: Will your father arrive?
Nate: He will. We just need to buy more time...

Hearing this, the garrison soldiers aim their muskets and cannons from the fort to face the enemy.


The Saderrans continue to make their way to the fort unopposed. Unaware that their adversary is stronger both numerically and technologically as they start a seige, their catapults lobbing boulders as the monsters who are bulky enough to load them prepare another barrage.

Imperial Commander: What's taking so long?!

He asks in an annoyed tone

Soldier: Our battering rams are being destroyed when we tried getting close to the gates... we could have a lengthy seige..

Imperial Commander: Whatever, just--

Suddenly, loud whistles are heard

Archer: What's that sound?
Archer 2: Can't be anything serious

He says before proved wrong as a cannonball struck the catapults and the legionarries, causing them to scream in fear and panic.

Soldier: My legs!!!!
Soldier 2: AAAAGGHH, I can't feel my legs!!
Centurion: What in Emroy!?

Eldian pov

Nate: Father!

He yells excitedly as the garrison and the citizens cheer the arrival of the Imperial Survey Corps. Led by Nate's father, Satoshi Ackerman

Satoshi:*Exhales* These other worlders think they can just come to our home, massacre our people, raid our lands, and enslave them as they see fit on OUR FESTIVAL THAT HONORS THE FALLEN ANGEL HIMSELF?!

He yells in frustration as the soldiers behind him equip bayonets

Satoshi: Show then how it feels to get stuck between the teeth of the Eldian Wolf, CHARGE!

The soldiers bellow a deafening warcry as they decimate the enemy formations in a slow yet menacing march

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The soldiers bellow a deafening warcry as they decimate the enemy formations in a slow yet menacing march

Saderran pov

As if things couldn't get any worse, the barbarian reinforcements arrived and are destroying the formations

Imperial Commander: WHAT THE HELL?!
Soldier: We can't get our wounded back to safety!
Soldier 2: They're angry!!!
Soldier 3: Hardy! Have you forsaken us, Hardy!

The soldiers can't believe it. Saderra's history has been filled with thousands upon millions of victories in wars they partook in and won. Yet, these barbarians are... winning and they're forcing them back through the Gate!

Imperial Commander: Everyone, retreat to the Gate!

Hours after the initial attack...

Satoshi:*Panting* That... is just the beginning... Bastards...
Nate: Father!
Satoshi: Nate...?

Nate rushes to his side

Nate: I helped in the defense. We got hit pretty badly...
Satoshi: ... Send the wounded to recover. I'll have a chat with what we captured

Initial attack of the war

Eldian Causalties:4,000 civilians injured, 10,000 garrison soldiers dead, and 5,000 fatally injured


Saderran Casualties:40,000 dead or injured, 80,000 wounded, 10,000 missing


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