Part 10: Aftermath of Italica

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As Piña and her remaining forces managed to get a safe distance from Italica. Only then did Piña weep

Piña: I thought... war was supposed to be a glorious battle... yet... yet the enemy...
Grey: Calm down, Piña.. all of you need to calm down.

Many of the knights try best. They've been acquainted with the way they fight wars... but the enemy from the other world proves that they are inferior

Bozes: They fought from afar and have soldiers capable of flight... was that how our wyverns got decimated...?
Hamilton: *Hurls* I think so...

Then, Beefeater gets angry. She can't believe they just lost!

Beefeater: What the hell?!
Hamilton: Not even our wyverns can be as efficient as those...

Grey: We have started a war against an enemy whom we have no knowledge of... this is our punishment...

Suddenly, an Eldian spot them as he tries to unleash his thunder spear

Eldian Soldier: Die!

Luckily, Grey was able to shoot him down with an arrow

Luckily, Grey was able to shoot him down with an arrow

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Grey: That... was close...

The few knights get closer to the dangling corpse and manage to bring the body down

Piña: ... He's dead...
Grey: That contraption... it can bring us insight on how they're able to fly in the air...
Piña: Then we bring it with us. Bozes, Beefeater, I entrust you to bring the contraption with us back to the capital...

Bozes: Alright.
Beefeater: On it.

Meanwhile, back in Italica. The locals are now gathered as their young countess makes a speech to them

Myui: People of Italica... today... we have been defeated and are now under the occupation of the Eldians...

The crowd murmurs, now that they know who the enemy is

"So they are the other worlders the empire talked about..."
"I thought the empire will always protect us...!"

Myui: As of today, earlier this morning... I have signed a treaty with Eldia... and now... we will adhere to their rules...

Then, Nate steps up and takes Myui's place

Nate: Listen up, you lot! Firstly, no one is allowed out after dark! Secondly, anyone caught after dark shall receive jail time! Third and foremost, every week, we will send war-time rations for all! So we will be issuing these ration books!

He holds it in his hand, showing them what it is

Nate: For the adults, they get 2 loaves of bread, a sack of rice, and 2 eggs. For the children's rations, they get 5 eggs, 5 loaves of bread, and 10 sacks of corn!

The people grab a book while the children get a different version of the book

"I can get 2 loaves of bread, 1 sack of rice, and 2 eggs for me alone?!"
"The Eldians are very generous, compared to the Saderrans..."
"I want them to be our occupiers."

The people of Italica, including Myui, realized that unlike the Saderrans. Eldia treated them like living people, giving them rations and strict rules for war-time. Suddenly, the people of Italica who once despise their new "oppressors" welcomed them with open arms

Nate: Yes! And... starting tomorrow... we plan to have countess Myui forge an alliance between our two great nations! However... she wants to see if you all want this alliance to happen! Starting tomorrow, we will have a vote!

Meanwhile, Piña returns with her remaining knights to the capital as she stands before her father once more

Piña: Italica... has fallen...
Molt: What!?
Piña: But overall, I was able to learn more about the enemy.
Molt: Not here, guards! Gather the senators into the senate house! We have information on the enemy's manpower!

With that, both nations have gone to make preparations for yet another battle, this time, with new tactics and formations. But for now, the grand general, Satoshi, has decided to spend time with his own son

Nate: You wanted to see me, Father?
Satoshi: Yes, I just wanted to say... I'm very proud of you, my boy...
Nate: F-Father...
Satoshi: Come with me, son...

He sits down on a rock as his son sits beside him

Satoshi: ... When you grow older, you will soon take my place...
Nate: ... But Father... what about Rosa...? I haven't found any leads on her...
Satoshi: Oh, my son... we will find her eventually... but for now, we need to focus on the enemy
Nate: Father...?
Satoshi: When you're facing the enemy, they'd do anything to win... so... I want to know if you're capable... face me

He stands up and draws his sword

Nate: You're on, Father...

As they duel, their enemy who is currently in her chambers, laments over the harsh truth

Piña: Hamilton, I don't really know if we can win this war... the enemy has far more superior tactics compared to ours... we shouldn't have attacked them...
Hamilton: What's been done in the past can't be undone... we will have to fight...
Piña: You're right... we can't do anything else but fight... hopefully wuth the knowledge we have over our enemy will be sufficient...

It was only a matter of time as the armies of both nations would face-off once more...

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