Part 14: Eldia

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As Piña is thrown into yet another cell, her knights were brought somewhere far from their commander

Bozes: Dammit! We need to break free from these cages and free Princess Piña!
Hamilton: Bozes, stop. What if the Eldians hear you?!
Bozes: Better! That way, I can kill them!

Guard: Hey, shut up!

The guard slams hus musket against the iron bars, shutting the rowdy knight up

Bozes: Grr...

Meanwhile, Satoshi personally guards Piña, ensuring she doesn't try and escape while they make their way

Piña: ... What's that giant tree over there?

 What's that giant tree over there?

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She points out

Satoshi: ... I guess it wouldn't hurt.

He makes sure Piña can't escape as he explains

Satoshi: That tree is sacred to us, Eldians.
Piña: How so?
Satoshi: That is the tree of Shiganshina, but we often called it... Eren's final rest.
Piña: Eren?
Satoshi: ... He was our prophet... our protector.
Piña: ... I see...

Satoshi then grabs her shackles, bringing her to Shiganshina

Piña: W-Where are you taking me?
Satoshi: To that tree, where your fate will be decided.

Piña dreads at that thought. She doesn't know what kind of system the Eldians have when it comes to prisoners of war like her

Piña: What will happen to me?
Satoshi: You will be questioned.

They then pass the bustling streets of Shiganshina City and enter a section of the city, covered in rubble and destruction as the sacred tree isn't far from view

They then pass the bustling streets of Shiganshina City and enter a section of the city, covered in rubble and destruction as the sacred tree isn't far from view

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Piña: What happened...?
Satoshi: Why are you acting all interested? You're not one of us
Piña: I mean, these buildings look very advanced compared to what I saw earlier...

With a bit of hesitance, Satoshi believes it wouldn't hurt

Satoshi: I can't exactly pinpoint the year this happened, but a global war happened... and these abandoned structures are the remaining proof...
Piña: ...

Satoshi: We're here. Get on your knees

He pushes her to the ground as she's met by the eyes of most definitely, their leader of this kingdom

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He pushes her to the ground as she's met by the eyes of most definitely, their leader of this kingdom

Arezu: Now, who are you?
Piña: Um... isn't the king supposed to be here?
Arezu: King? I'm the legitimate empress of thus empire, show respect.

Piña can't believe her own ears at that statement. They were not fighting a small kingdom as she expected, but another empire who has been awoken from a long sleep has been filled with a terrible resolve

Piña: *Gulps* I'm Princess Piña Co Lada, the third of the Saderran Empire..
Arezu: Figures... I'm letting you and your knights free.
Piña: Huh?!

Satoshi: Sister, you've gotta be joking, right? We can't just--
Arezu: I'm the older sibling here, brother. Know your place.

Satoshi immediately shuts up as Piña realizes that thus "Commoner" was actually a member of the Eldian royal family

Piña: Y-You... you're of royal descent...!
Satoshi: So what if I am? I'm unfit to be emperor, so I chose my own sister to take my place, and no one gives a shit.
Piña: ... Why...? Why are you letting me and my knights return back home?
Arezu: I have one simple request, convince your father to make movements for peace.
Piña: !!

Piña's heart beats fast. She's being told to ask her father to sue for peace. But she's only 16, there is no way her father would even listen

Piña: I... I can try...
Arezu: Good! Brother, bring this guest and her troops back to rheur friendly lines.
Satoshi: *Grumbles* Of course, Sister.

Three months have passed since the battle of Schwartz Woods. Marking the first year of the war between two nations from different worlds. Piña has been doing her utmost to try and convince Molt to make a movement in the senate for peace

Piña: *Sighs*
Hamilton: Have you been sleeping lately, Your Highness?
Piña: I wish I would... but I don't want to see our Empire in Flames... and we still have no superiority against the Eldians...
Hamilton: I received a letter... it came from an unknown sender.

Meanwhile, the Saderrans, who should've noticed the writing on the wall by now. Began making up excuses

Senator: They just got lucky! Wait until they encounter our almighty elite legions!
Senator 2: Yeah! And it was mostly a cavalry battle. We were clearly unprepared!
Senator 3: And Zorzal had a good plan. It was those traitorous elves!

Molt: Settle down, I've heard your arguments... since winter is upon us, we will have to train our armies through the winter and try again during spring

Meanwhile, Zorzal is currently in his chambers, raping one of his slaves

Zorzal: Louder! Scream louder!

??: AAAGGGGHHH!!! *Breathes heavily* Please... mercy, I beg of you, mercy...

Zorzal: Shut up, other worlder! Just be glad that I chose you because of your tight pussy

The slave grits the sheets, unable to endure this brutality Zorzal has done to her

Zorzal: Now then, what did they say your name was...? Ah, right. Rosemary... you're going to be a perfect sex toy

Zorzal hasn't known it yet, but he fucked up big time. And that is soon to come as Nate and Satoshi, with a group of their diplomats arrive to the capital

Satoshi: Is something the matter, Son?
Nate: ... Something in my gut makes me wanna punch someone to the point that their face is a bloody mess...
Satoshi: ... I hope not...

As they arrive at the city gates of Saderra's capital, they make their way to the palace, as peace negotiations have begun

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