Part 17: Attack on Rondel

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As Eldian troops move towards the Saderran city of Rondel, every single Saderran began to panic. The enemy is once again on the move, and Rondel will be caught in the middle of it

Piña: Father, we must attack!!
Molt: I'm aware of the enemy movement, Piña... which is why I'm sending Count Woody to intercept them.
Piña: No, you don't understand! Fighting the Eldians in an open field is suicidal!!

Meanwhile, Eldian troops make quick work, with saboteurs infiltrating Saderran lines and cutting off supply routes, demolishing bridges, and even misdirecting entire armies

And as the Deshria Highway becomes a battlefield, the two forces arrive with equal strength and numbers. But it went pretty well as much as you'd expect

Woody: RETREAT! Retreat!!

Satoshi: Now! Attack!!

The Eldians immediately go in for the kill as they pursue the retreating Saderrans

Meanwhile, back at the Ackerman Estate...

Nate: ... Mother?
Serena: Yes, my child?
Nate: ... Can you... tell us how you and Father met?

Hearing this, Risa also sat up from her bed

Serena: You really want to know?
Nate: Yes! I really want to know!
Serena: *Smiles* Well... he and I met when we were young... very young... at the time... Eldia was fine with conditional marriage... but your father didn't marry me because it was conditional... he was REALLY in love with me... if he wasn't, then how come I gave birth to both you and your sister?
Nate: ... It's... it does make sense...

Serena immediately realizes as to why her son is asking this

Serena: Are you... interested in someone?
Nate: !!!

Nate immediately blushes

Rosa: Aww! Little brother has a crush!
Nate: Shut up!

Serena: Now, now. Tell me, who is it?
Nate: ... It's... complicated...
Serena: How so?

She ruffles his hair as she reminds Nate that she's his mother and that she can trust him

Nate: ... There's... a girl... an elf... even an enemy! I don't know who to love...
Serena: *Sighs* Oh, my dear child... it's okay to have these feelings... in fact... when I learned your dad was going to be next-in-line, I thought I had no chance... yet he gave it to your auntie, and we got together. So... what I'm saying is that it doesn't matter who the person you love has a background that you didn't expect, love them... okay?
Nate: ... Okay, Mother...

Meanwhile, back in Rondel, the Saderrans continue to fight against the Eldians. However, Satoshi had in some new troops that were being sent from their colonies, making the battle for Rondel even brutal

In the western flank, Saderrans faced Eldian troops from the Asian colonies as the Asian battalions march forward with bayonets at the ready

Soldier: Enemy troops!
Soldier 2: They must be from Eldia's vassal states!!!
Centurion: Run!!

In the southern flank, they also faced Eldian troops from the mid-eastern colonies, facing the same predicament as their comrades from the west are also facing

Soldier: We can't defeat them!!!
Centurion: Fall back!!

Within a day, Rondel has fallen into Eldian hands as Satoshi dines throughout the night with his men

Satoshi: Eat up! You deserve the meal!

Soldiers: *CHEERS*

Satoshi: It's been a year since this war started... we lost friends... loved ones... even ourselves... but we don't have to anymore! We're only 7 cities away to their capital! We will WIN this war!!

The soldiers roar as they eat up and enter their tents to rest for the night

In the Saderran Capital, Piña, who has never slept for nights, has finally brought good news to her father

Molt: Have you completed it?
Piña: Yes... Father... we were able to replicate the enemy's weaponry...
Molt: That means we can at last defeat and colonize our enemy!

As the Saderrans began to modernize their armies, their people felt a bit of hope that they could at last gain the land they have so arrogantly wanted. But Eldia is a nation that has always modernized, meaning they're one step ahead. Always


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