Chapter 18

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"You're finally up. How are you feeling? Are you still having stomach pain?" I was bombarded with questions from Lilian.

"It has subsided a bit . What is the time now?" My voice was still weak.

"Past 11AM," she said, glancing at her phone. My eyes widened. "I slept for that long?"

Lillian emitted a sharp breath. "I think it's the drugs, and you didn't quite sleep early. The cramps had really gotten to you. Is this how you suffer when your period is near?"

I flashed her a smile. "I'm already used to it. In two to three days, I'll be up on my feet."

"Alright. Go take a shower, let me get your breakfast, and then you can take your drugs," she said, getting off the stool she was sitting on.

I squeezed my face. Lilian turned to me. "Don't give me that look. You have to take the drugs to feel better. Maybe you don't remember, but it was hard getting you to take the drugs last night. If you drag with me, I will call Mr. Angelo to give them to you himself."

Her mentioning Angelo reminded me of last night. The way he summoned the doctor. I didn't expect him to care. I know he and I aren't on the best terms, but his actions last night touched my heart.

"Thank you, Lilian," I said just as she was about to walk away.

"It's fine. I know how it feels." I watched as she left the room before discarding the bed covers and preparing to get off the floor. I bit my lips as I gathered my strength and walked to the bathroom.

The moment the hot water cascaded down my body, I felt a soothing warmth. I took my time in the shower, enjoying the way the water warmed up my body. It was when I was done that I realized I hadn't brought a towel. "Shit!"

"Lilian, are you in there? Can you fetch me a towel, please?" I muffled out, knocking on the door. I waited for some time before knocking again. "Help me with a towel, please. If you can get me a sanitary pad, too." Silence followed. How did I forget to take the towel with me to the bathroom?

After a while, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it slightly, and a hand holding the towel stretched in. I grabbed it and closed the door back. "The sanitary pad," I sighed out.

I wrapped the towel around my chest and aimed for the door. My heart skipped a beat as I came face to face with Angelo. He had a smirk on his face. "What... Are you doing here?" I stuttered out, covering my chest with my palms.

"A thank you will do," he said. My brows creased. He continued. "I was the one who helped you with the towel."

I gulped down. I was literally naked underneath the towel, and the way Angelo's eyes raked my body made my heart race. "Thank you," I muffled out, then walked past him. I didn't know how it happened, but as I opened the wardrobe, something fell from it straight onto my head.

"Argh!" I thought Angelo would come to my aid after what happened, but as I turned around, he was still standing in the same spot. I felt a pang in my chest. "Didn't you see what happened to me?" I found myself saying.

"Do you want me to?" he said, taking a step forward. I lifted my hand up. "Stay right there."

"Why?" He took another step forward, making me take one back. My back collided with the door of the wardrobe. "There's no escape now," he smirked as he almost closed the distance between us.

My heart raced. I felt heat between my legs. I tried to avoid looking at him, but Angelo lifted my face to meet his. "You know I'm sick," I blurted out.

"Do you want me to cure your sickness then?" My brows creased in confusion, and more heat visited my body when his hand snaked around my waist.

"How?" I asked in a low voice.

His smirk, or rather this time around it was a smile, grew wider. "It depends on what you want. To kiss you? Or touch your pussy." His words registered in my head fast, and my heart almost popped out of its socket. Like a lightning bolt, I took a fast step away from him.

"Can you leave? I want to get dressed and take my drugs."

"Do that. Unless you want me to feed you myself." With that, he left the room. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. Heat crept up my cheeks. Why is he trying to seduce me with his words? My hand slowly touched my lips as thoughts of Angelo kissing me surfaced in my brain.

"No, Alessia. Pull yourself together." I shook my head before walking back to the wardrobe.


I spent the whole day in my room. Annie checked up, and the only thing she did was talk about herself and her relationship with Angelo. She said she would keep me company, but it made me rather pissed. I didn't see a glimpse of Angelo, and I didn't ask. I don't think I can open up to Lilian again. She literally told Angelo I gave her a hard time taking my drugs. I felt much better now. Although the stomach pain was still there, the weakness of my body had reduced.

Lilian had just left with the empty plates of my dinner after I had taken my drugs in her presence. I rested my back on the bedboard so the drug would digest before I take a nap.

A knock came through the door, followed by the face of Angelo. For some reason, I felt inner peace seeing his face, but outwardly I frowned. Angelo closed the door behind him and began trekking towards my bed. I could feel my own heartbeat in my ears as he neared the bed. He sat down beside me and didn't say anything. I also didn't say anything. Some minutes had gone by with silence rising in the room. I stole glances at him occasionally.

As the silence got too much, I decided to break it. "If you're here to check up on me, as you can see, I'm fine," I said.

He turned to face me, and our eyes met. I literally held my breathing. His eyes always pulled me in. "You don't look fine to me." If I say the way he spoke didn't make matters worse for me, I would be lying.

"Why do you say that?" I shot him a confused brow.

He suddenly leaned over, taking me by surprise as he cupped my face with his hand. "You look pale," he whispered. I don't know what had gotten into me at that moment, but my eyes shifted down to his lips. His earlier words rang in my head. Unknowingly, I melted in his touch.

"You said you will cure my sickness earlier. Why don't you do that?"

"Which of them? I gave you two options," he answered, the hand cupping my face warming me up.

"Would I be selfish if I want both?" I questioned. A smile dangled on his lips. His thumb then caressed my lower lip.

"I thought you don't crave any of that from me?" I gulped down. I don't even care about anything. About what I said in the past. I know deep down I crave him. I want his touch.

"If I say I want it now, does that make me a horny bitch or a slut?" He said nothing and kept on looking at me. Okay, maybe I had gone overboard. "Look, just forget it. I'm-"

Angelo grabbed the back of my head and pulled me to him, crashing his lips on mine. The rate at which my heart was thumping increased even more. My body then relaxed as I parted my lips, giving him more access to explore my lips. For some reason, I felt like it was the right thing to do. I realized that all this time, I had been deceiving myself, denying myself of the attraction I feel towards him. My heart and body crave his touch more than I could imagine.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck while he cupped my face with both of his palms. I moaned into the kiss, closing my eyes on the accord. My hand dropped down to the collar of his shirt. Angelo nibbled on my lower lip, the gesture igniting fireworks in my head. The room was charged with nothing but silence as we kissed each other. Angelo pulled away slightly. "Look at me," he hushed. My eyes swiftly opened, and I set them on his.

His thumb grazed my plump lips. "Tell me you want me," he whispered. With my heart drumming in my chest, I undid the first button of his shirt. That should be enough of an answer for him. He held my hand, stopping my action. "Say it, Alessia, or I will leave. Just like the other night."

It would be over my dead body before I allowed the day to repeat itself. I met his eyes once again. "I want you, Angelo. Please kiss me again."

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