Chapter 15

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"How far should I solve it?"

Dae-han had answered up all of his problem workbooks. Where we are now is the library. The city library was next to the school. This place, which is a five-minute walk from the school's main gate, was bustling with people of various ages. In this day with numerous things to study, it has always been filled with people, regardless of age.

There were three areas in the reading room: one for men, one for women, and one for unisex. Lim Dae-han and I were seated in a reading room that only men could enter.

Never, ever, ever. I was obstinate because I was terrified of running into the guys that Lim Dae-han knew.

"Let's relax for a while."

Lim Dae-han spoke softly through the quiet silence. In such a quiet room, even the click of a ballpoint pen could be clearly heard. But he said it didn't matter. It was both impressive and amusing that a student who had never studied in the class wanted to learn and solve a question. Lim Dae-han surprisingly had a very funny side. I smiled and raised my head.

Fortunately, we ate less because we were each seated in front of a desk in the reading room. However, if we were talking at a table loudly, the person next to us would have been staring at us. They will also avoid making eye contact with Lim Dae-han if they have a negative view of him.

Should I frown like Dae-han? I frowned my brow. Lim Dae-han, who was facing the scene, tilted his head.

"Just do what you want. I will do as much as you tell me to do."

Oh, did it work? That can't be true. Even though I had such a gentle face, there was no way my impressions would change just because I frowned my eyebrows.


I quietly received the workbook and checked it. I tried to turn it over to the front page, but I couldn't go that far because Dae-han hurriedly blocked it with his hand. I don't know why people are ashamed of showing wrong answers while not being ashamed of asking questions they don't understand.

Anyway, I checked from the place that Dae-han opened it until the very end. I handed it over to Dae-han without a word. He couldn't hide his annoyance for a moment and wrinkled his face, but as soon as our gazes collided, he returned to his original position.

I smiled quietly at such Lim Dae-han, but it was also somehow strange, and I pouted my lips for no apparent reason. I returned to my original position, just like Dae-han, and solved the question.? I was in a hurry because the exam began tomorrow.


'Let's go on a date after the exam.'

I was worried about a lot of things when I remembered what Lim Dae-han had said. I had a hard time figuring out whether I should change into casual clothes or wear a school uniform, where to go, and what song to sing if we went to a karaoke room. It was better to just study.

I pulled out the math test paper from the mock exam. This was also included in the scope of the test. This time, the exam questions were quite easy and I was able to get a decent score. I checked the two wrong questions by writing the last wrong answer note.

I didn't like math very much because it had a lot of complicated things here and there. In particular, it was difficult to substitute the formula. I tapped the tip of the pencil on my lips. I looked through the reference book for the formulas I needed and wrote them down. Since then, my mind has been a mess.

That was then.

Tap, tap-

I wasn't aware of anyone's presence and was focused on the question when I was tapped on the back. It was the opposite of Dae-han's seat. A familiar face greeted me with a big smile as I turned my head.

Please, Go Out With Me!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon