First date

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Song recommendation: Prison for life by Olivia Rodrigo

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Song recommendation: Prison for life by Olivia Rodrigo. This is an unreleased song by her.
Aurora's POV:

Aurora wakes up to the sound of knocking at the door. She gets out of bed and heads over to the door, she opens it and smiles when she sees Bucky.

"Hey princess." Bucky says.

"Hey, you're up early."

Bucky's smile turns into a frown. "Yeah, I have nightmares sometimes, about my time as the winter soldier."

Aurora frowns as well and hugs him. "Oh I'm so sorry."

"It's okay I normally just write down what I can remember. I don't have the best memory at times so when I do remember something I have to write it down to look back at it. And I also talk to my therapist about all my nightmares. So there's nothing to really worry about." Bucky says.

"So what is it you are here for?" She asks.

"Well I wanted to ask you out on a date?" He asks.

Aurora smiles. "I would love to."

"Great, see you tonight." Bucky replies, he grabs Aurora by the waist and pulls her close and kisses her.

Aurora blushes. "Yeah see you tonight."

Aurora spends most of her day in her room trying to choose an outfit for her date. Once she has picked out what she's wearing she runs over to Nat's room and knocks on her door.

Nat opens the door wearing a robe. "Hey, what do you want?"

"Well Bucky asked me out on a date, and I..."

Nat interrupts Aurora. "HE ASKED YOU OUT?!"

"Yes I don't see how that's a surprise, you literally saw us kiss last night." Aurora says. "Anyway I need your help, I picked out an outfit but I don't know if it is good."

"Right I'll come over in a couple minutes, I just have to get dressed myself." Nat says.

"Have fun on the date!" Steve shouts from the bed.

Aurora chuckles. "Thanks Steve."

"Go get Wanda as well." Nat instructs.

Aurora nods and head over to Wanda's room, she knocks on the door and Wanda opens it.

"Hey girl." Wanda greets.

"Hey so Bucky asked me on a date and I picked an outfit for tonight, can you come to my room to see if it's alright." She asks.

Wanda nods and follows Aurora to her room, Nat comes into her room too.

"Alright let's see this outfit." Nat says.

Aurora walks into the bathroom and gets dressed into her outfit she picked.

Aurora walks out the bathroom wearing a white see through shirt with puffy sleeves and a red velvet dress over the top of the shirt. "What do you think?"

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