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Song rec: I was made for lovin' you by KISS

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Song rec: I was made for lovin' you by KISS

Warnings: Spanking, blowjob, mirror sex? (I'm never sure some of my phrasing is right.)
Aurora and Bucky's POV:

Bucky is awake, he is watching Aurora sleep, admiring her. The way her chest slowly rises and falls. The way her golden hair is askew on the pillow, her soft pink lips parted lightly and mumbling nonsense. Bucky smiles and twirls a strand of her hair with his fingers. Alpine is snuggled beside her, purring softly.

Bucky notices her shift in her sleep and then slowly open her eyes. "Morning beautiful, how did you sleep?"

Aurora yawns. "I slept ok, were you watching me sleep"

Bucky blushes. "I couldn't help it, you're so pretty."

Aurora smiles and kisses Bucky. "I don't care if you look at me."

"I've been up since 8am, thinking about what we could do today. We've done a lot of things, I'm running out of ideas. But then it came to me, I can take you to Brooklyn botanical gardens. It's where I grew up, Brooklyn not the gardens. I will take you to the gardens cause of your love for plants and then show you where I lived in the 40s." Bucky explains his idea on what to do today.

Aurora nods. "Sounds fun."

"Oh yeah I also want you to wear that dress you wore when you first came here." Bucky instructs.

"Isn't that dress a bit fancy?" She questions.

"Yeah, but that was the dress you wore when I first fell in love with you." Bucky explains.

Aurora raises an eyebrow. "You fell in love with me when you first saw me?"

Bucky chuckles. "Love at first sight."

Aurora notices Alpine jump off the bed then replies. "Didn't think you believed in that."

"I didn't at first but then you came into my life and changed everything I believed, in a good way. The way I see love and how I treat myself. You princess are the best thing that has ever happened to me." Bucky kisses Aurora again this time more passionately.

Aurora smiles against the kiss, when Bucky pulls away she takes a deep breath in then says: "That's sweet of you to say."

Bucky kisses her lips again, and he trails the kisses down. He kisses her jaw then neck, he continues kissing her neck for a couple of seconds then pulls away. "Come on let's go get ready."

Aurora groans. "Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?" Bucky teases.

"Get me all worked up and don't satisfy me?" She asks in an irritated tone.

Bucky smiles slyly. "Cause it's fun to watch you squirm and beg and be on edge."

Aurora climbs into Bucky's lap before he can get up. "Yeah you think that's fun to do?"

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