I'm with you till the end of the line

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Aurora's POV:

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Aurora's POV:

Aurora is outside with Bucky on the balcony garden. The garden has some plants and flowers, some animals too including: birds, insects and fish in the small pond.

She is holding Bucky's metal hand, which is covered with a leather glove. They cross the pond on the stepping stones.

"I hate that you hide your metal arm most of the time." Aurora blurts out suddenly.

"I know you're fine with it, but I don't like seeing it all the time. It brings back bad memories of the things I did, the pain this hand caused." Bucky explains solemnly.

"Is there anyway for you to get a new arm?" She asks.

"Me and Tony have talked about it a few times, but it wouldn't change how I felt about the arm. No matter if it was new or not, it would still remind me of the things I did, they constantly live in my mind. No matter how much I change things petal, it's not going to change that." Bucky replies.

Aurora takes off Bucky's glove. "You shouldn't blame yourself, or hide yourself. I know you'll never forget the things you did, but you can't let it control your life. Sure you're not the same man you were back in the 40's. But I fell in love with the man you are, not the man you were. I would do anything so you didn't have to go through what you did. I think as much as you hate that part of yourself it makes you who you are, and I love who you are."

Bucky smiles. "Yeah I guess you are right. There is one good part of that side. It can protect you, every part of me loves you. Even the Winter Solider, I can feel that he does."

They continue walking around the garden, Aurora is stopping now and again to smell the flowers. She suddenly remembers she wants to give Bucky something. "Ooh, I just remembered, I got you a present."

Bucky gives her a curious look. "A present? You didn't have to."

"Oh please, when I say that you ignore it and get me more stuff." Aurora argues.

Bucky laughs. "That I do, now what did you get me Princess?"

Aurora takes a magnolia flower necklace out of her pocket, and she hands it to Bucky. "I know it's a bit girly, you don't ha~" she is cut off by Bucky kissing her suddenly.

After a second of kissing Bucky pulls back. "I love it, I'm going to wear it all the time."

Aurora blushes and smiles, she kisses Bucky back, this time more passionately. She stops kissing him when she hears a cough coming from behind her.

She turns around and sees Thor. "Brother what can I do for you?"

Thor smiles, he's happy to see Aurora happy. "I just came to check on you before I  head out on my mission."

"Well I'm all good." Aurora says, a bit annoyed that Thor ruined the moment between her and Bucky.

"Great, well I'll see you later." Thor waves them goodbye and leaves.

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