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I groan as I flip over, feeling for my phone and cracking my eyes open at the brightness of the screen so I can efficiently silence my incessant alarm. I pull myself out the bed, knowing that's the final one because the other three before that were just to get me prepared. I stumble over to the bathroom and get ready before grabbing my backpack and heading out to my car.

I've been studying at the university nearby for almost 2 years now and it's been nice. I'm actually excited to go to school most days and my teachers are pretty cool. I actually took a bit of a gap before college and despite all the freshman, I'm happy to be here. I pull into the lot and get out, slipping on my backpack and heading to my first class early. I take a seat and soon kids are flooding the room so I take out my things and listen as the teacher starts.

It finally comes to my last class of the day and this is the one I love the most. Not just because it's the last one, but because this teacher is my all-time favorite. She's always so sweet and attentive, making sure things run smoothly. I also sit in the front, so anytime someone asks a question that she'd just explained — showing that they weren't paying attention, we'll lock eyes and smirk.

I keep checking the time but she still doesn't show up and I get worried. She's never late. I hear students talking about how they're going to leave if she doesn't come soon, which is valid because it is the last class. It's also pretty standard that if your teacher doesn't show up after fifteen minutes you're allowed to leave.

I take the initiative to get up and exit the classroom, determined on tracking her down. Fortunately I don't have to go far as she is just down the hall, leaning against a closet door with her head in her hands. "Ms. Sherman?" I mumble and her head shoots up, red and watery eyes meeting mine. "What happened?" I ask softly as I step closer to her, being cautious of her emotional state.

Her bottom lip trembles as she tries to form words but can't seem to find them. The rising and falling of her chest quickens which registers in my mind quickly. I take her hand, holding it between two of mine, and she voluntarily places her other on top; gripping onto me like a lifeline. "It's ok, I'm here. Everything's ok. Just try to breathe with me" I demonstrate what she should do and she follows.

They always say the student becomes the master, guess they weren't kidding. She almost pulls me closer and I just bring her in my arms, literally giving her my shoulder to cry on. Once she's calmer, she pulls away and wipes her tears. "I'm sorry — this really isn't professional of me, is it?" she chuckles sadly, "nonsense. You're human" I assure her and she smiles softly as she look up at me.

"What's going on if you don't mind me asking" she smiles wider and says "after soaking your shirt I think you're entitled to know". She tells me that she's been having issues with her daughter but that teachers here just make it worse for her. Apparently they don't like her and one professor in particular has it out for her. She said that the woman always pokes fun at her for various things, one of which being that she's a lesbian.

"I'm sorry — she what?!" I say getting upset and Diane places her hand on my shoulder as a silent request for me to calm down. "It's ok, really" she shrugs, "no it's not and I'm gonna tell that bitch she can't treat people like that!" I decide. "Honey, I appreciate it but I really don't think that's a good idea..." she mumbles, "well it wasn't a 'good idea' for her to mess with my favorite teacher and make her cry but she did. So now I'll give her a taste of her own medicine" I stare firmly.

The brunette sighs, knowing she can't talk me out of it. I help her put herself together and then we enter the classroom, half the students already gone. She just dismisses the class telling them not to alert any other teachers of the early dismissal. I grab my bag and head straight for this woman's classroom, lucky for me she had a free period apparently.

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