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Through the whole day I haven't been able to stop thinking about this 'date' with Diane. I know it's not a real date but that doesn't stop me from overthinking. I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to wear and most importantly, I don't know where she's taking me. How am I supposed to dress appropriately if I don't know where we're going?! It's honestly been stressing me out all day and I could just ask her but I don't know if that's proper etiquette?

Like if someone asks you on a date you just get dressed nicely and wherever you end up going is whatever. I'm sure if it was somewhere super fancy she would've told me, right? Then again, it's probably just a quaint little restaurant; I mean she has no reason to try and wow me. Come to think of it, I haven't really been out to eat around here; Cordelia cooks almost every night and if not there's always something in the fridge we can whip up easily.

My phone buzzes and amongst the girls conversations at the table, I try to discreetly check it.

Diane: we're going to GW Fins it's about 10 minutes from you

I quickly go to look it up and my eyes widen a bit at the price points. It says $50-$100 but in this economy that's like a million dollars.

Diane: I'm paying, don't worry.

That does relieve a bit of tension but still, why couldn't she just take me to some chicken shack or something? "God these kids are always on their phones these days" I look up to see Queenie smirking at me and I roll my eyes, realizing she was referring to me. I quickly text back Diane and then put my phone face down on the table.

"Going out with Miss Diane again today?" Madison asks, "girl, with that smile on her face you know she is" Coco chimes in and Mallory hits her with the napkin beside her. "Would you guys stop it? We're just going out for dinner" I scoff, "since when did we, I mean you, progress to dinner?!" Queenie asks animatedly. "There is no 'progress' she probably was sight-seeing today or something" I try to rationalize even though I know the reason.

"Sure she did. Conveniently tying up her wholeeee day just so she could invite you to dinner" Coco utters funnily, "you know, people who don't live here actually like to walk around and see stuff. She hasn't been here before so-" "blah blah blah whatever. Where's she taking you?" Madison asks and I sigh deeply as I close my eyes to keep my composure.

"Some place called GW Fins" I answer, tired of the antics around this situation. "Alana. Do you know how crazy that is? I'm sorry but... Coco has been telling me about that place for MONTHS she says it's amazing but the wait list is like a mile long" Mallory chimes in so now I have to look to Cordelia to end this madness because Mallory was my last hope.

"That is pretty impressive that she got a reservation" the supreme says, "ok, look guys, it's not that big a deal" I roll my eyes. "Oh no, bitch-" "excuse me" Cordelia scolds, "witch — it is totally a big deal. She must've reserved this forever ago or knows someone who got her a spot; otherwise there's no way in hell, heaven, OR Earth that she could've made this happen" the young blonde adds.

"And?" I sigh, "aaaand that means she definitely likes you, dude. Why else would she go to so much work for this?" Queenie says incredulously as if I should've realized that before. "Ok but what am I supposed to do with this — not proven information?" I ask carelessly, internally I'm absolutely losing my shit. Could they be right? This would actually solidify my previous thoughts but I still don't know how I feel about all of this.

"When is she picking you up?" Coco asks, "She said 6" I answer and everyone but Cordelia groans in response. "Alana it's 2pm do you even know what you're wearing? What shoes? Your sexiest perfume..." Madison lists and I shake my head. "Hopeless" Nan voices for the first time during this whole conversation and I literally want to bang my head against the table.

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