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Alana's pov
"WOOOOOOO" I scream out the window as we drive fast towards the club. "Can we please keep our bodies in the vehicle?" Nan asks, sounding annoyed with my antics. Queenie pulls me back in and chuckles, pulling me closer to her body. I snuggle up to her, she's very comfortable and I need that more than anything. "You're so getting wasted tonight" Zoe giggles, "like Lindsay Lohan level" Madison adds.

"Let's not go too far now, Madison" Queenie buts in and we all laugh. We eventually reach the destination and file out of the car. I can hear the music out here, though it's muffled, and so I start swinging my hips to the beat as we reach the door. I'm the first one up and I show my ID, getting in easily and waiting for the other girls. Once we've all entered, some of us go straight for the bar while others try to find a table.

"3 shots of tequila and a blue Long Island" I order, "oh you wanna party hard, I see" the bartender smirks. I chuckle, my eyes scanning her black-clad form and seeing just a bit of her cleavage peaking out. "Listen, last time I left you Cordy about had a stroke so if you're not coming with us then you have to be the one to tell her" Madison warns and I wave dismissively.

She rolls her eyes before shrugging and disappearing into the crowd. I take my shots back to back, sliding the glasses forward and taking a few breaths. I turn around as I sip on my drink, waiting for the shots to kick in. Considering I haven't eaten much today, it takes no time at all. "Hey there, pretty lady" a man says to me, "I would rather shit in my hands and clap" I say seriously.

He begins to smirk and sits next to me, turning my chair to face him. "It's ok, I'm gay too. Name's Thomas" he chuckles, "oh sorry about that, I'm Alana" I giggle shyly. "No problem, men are a fucking pain in the ass sometimes" he groans, sipping on his drink. "You're certainly right about that. Anyways, what are you doing here alone?" I inquire, "Now it sounds like you're hitting on me — not that I would mind. I'm actually here with a few friends. Just came over to grab more drinks" he says.

Suddenly there's a tray with drinks on it slid onto the counter, he thanks the bartender as if their old friends. "You wanna come hang? I swear they're not creeps, mostly women too if that helps" he offers, "actually..." I glance over to the table with the girls at it and then back to him "I would love to" I decide. "Alrighty, come on then" he links my arm with his and leads me through people, keeping me close.

He smells good, nothing like those strong colognes, it's a bit floral, could be gucci. "Hey guys, this is Alana; found her at the bar" I look up and see he's set the tray down but never let go of my arm. "Hey, Alana, I'm Jenny" a raven-haired girl says, "ok to cut this short; we have Bette and Tina — world's longest lesbian couple" a brunette and another blonde wave as the laugh at Thomas.

"Then we've got Alice — worlds most desperate lesbian" he snickers, "I'm not desperate! Hi" she smiles while rolling her eyes. "Then there's Dana, Shane, and-" "Marina... nice to meet you" she picks up my hand a places a tentative kiss on it which makes me blush. "Oookayyyy, let's not fuck at the table" Thomas giggles, scooting in to be between me and the sultry brunette.

I talk with them for longer than I can remember, finding all of them so fascinating. Bette sees that I'm focused when she's talking about art so she rambles for a little bit before Alice starts talking about dating. Shane kinda sits and watches the scene, adding funny tidbits here and there. Dana sips on her drink and her eyes linger on Alice a bit which makes me just know she's into her.

Tina talks about her work at this center for children, which I think is admirable, and Marina just listens intently to everyone. As they talk I realize they're all just on a girls trip out here which is sweet. Everyone except Thomas lives in California, he's a friend of Shane's. "I was thinking... maybe we can go to the French quarter tomorrow and get those little pastry things" Jenny says excitedly.

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