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"Oh yeah?" a blonde replies after I've just told her she's hot, "yep" I smirk. "You're not so bad looking yourself" she whispers as she leans closer to me, "uh uh, hands off" I mumble while feeling her fingertips play on the hem of my dress. "Oh come onnn I just wanna play a little" she continues with her little seduction, her nails digging gently into my thigh.

"No means no, baby" I say firmly as I press a hand against her chest and she pouts, "ok" she sighs and I bite my lip. "Don't look so sad, maybe... I can be persuaded" I tease, "and how exactly would I do that?" she asks softly. "A round of shots for my friends... and another one for just the two of us" I state. "Mmm I can do that" she accepts, asking me what table she should send it to, then going over to the bartender and ordering everything.

"Finally your friend left... I've been trying to get over to you all night" I turn my head to see a tall man, he's not terrible looking that's about all I can say. His beard is neatly trimmed and his emerald eyes do have a charm to them. "Not interested" I say politely, "you don't even know what I was going to say" he points out. "You're a man approaching a woman in the bar... not many options as to what you'll say and no matter what it is — not interested" I repeat.

"I'm sure your friend wouldn't mind if I stole you just to talk" he says, placing a cold hand on my arm, "I sincerely hope you're not referring to me, because if you are... I'm actually her girlfriend — not her friend" the woman comes back and says. "Oh... my apologies then" he says before walking away seeing a bit frightened which is odd. "Are you ok, darling?" she asks me, "yeah I'm fine" I reply honestly.

"Oh you're over here being gay, I'll let Zoe know — she wanted me to check on you" I see Madison smirk and I roll my eyes. "If you want to know what it's like to actually enjoy 'being gay' then you're welcome to sit in and listen" I quip. "Whatever. I'm leaving" she says before walking away, "0h but maybe you should pick up a book or something before you go flirting with celebrities" she chuckles before finally leaving.

I furrow my eyebrows as I turn back to her blonde and she looks down as her drink as she blushes. "Are you going to explain?" I ask, "I'm Billie... Billie Dean Howard, sort of, maybe, famous — depends on how you look at it" she rambles. "Famous for what?" I ask, "I'm a medium, I have a tv show" she answers simply and I sigh deeply. "You're the lady I saw in the picture in Cordelia's office" I recall.

"Oh you're Delia's student? Shit. I'm sorry" she says quickly, "wait... what'd you say your name was again?" she adds apologetically. "Alana" I tell her and she smirks, "right... let me take you home. You should probably sleep" she says as I toss back a shot. "Thanks but I'm fine" I reply before downing another, "no, really, I should get you home" she repeats.

"I'm stepping out, I told the others already" Madison walks by as she says it, "I'm ok, Billie. I'm gonna go with Mads, maybe I'll see you later" I say as I quickly follow the younger blonde to escape the medium. The crisp night air hits my face and I tremble for a second before adjusting. I turn left and right until eventually I smell it and I just know it's her.

I follow my nose to find her in the closest alley, her hands in front of her face as the sound of a lighter clicking floats on the air. "Idiot" I mutter to myself as I walk up and take it from her, "what the fuck? Give it back" she says reaching for it but I'm too quick. "I'm trying to help you, dumbass. Let's go" I say walking further into the alley and behind the building.

The air flow isn't as bad back here so it's rather easy for me to light it. I take two drags before handing it back to her and she smirks, "I didn't know you smoked" she says surprised but half-impressed. "I don't" I say before blowing the smoke up into the air and watching it fade into the night. "Mhm sure you don't" she mumbles before handing the joint back to me.

We pass it until there's barely anything left and she puts it out, tossing it behind a trash can and pulling me back towards the bar. Apparently that little moment was all she needed to consider me her friend now. We go to the bar and do another round of shots, putting it on the medium's tab which makes me giggle. At some point my head is rested on the counter, Madison having left to look for the other girls maybe five minutes ago? I'm not really sure about the time.

"Come on, sweetie" I hear a soothing voice say and I turn to see a hazy image of a blonde. "Billie, remember me?" she says probably seeing my confusion and I nod as it comes back to me. "Oh yeah! What're you still doing here?" I ask, my words slightly slurring together. "I stayed to make sure you're alright, which obviously you're not. Now come on, up up" she says pulling me to my feet and I just plant them so she has to turn around.

She frowns and tries to gently pull me again but I don't budge, despite me being drunk I'm still rather stubborn. "Fine, be that way" she picks me up and attempted to throw me over her shoulder but stopped for some reason. In order to prevent me from falling, I have to wrap my legs around her waist and she quickly moves before I can hop down.

I'm placed in the back of a car and she slides in next to me, mumbling to someone before putting my seatbelt on. I move the belt from across my chest and lay down on her lap. She doesn't say a word, just begins to stroke my hair. I feel the car stop but I don't have the energy to lift my body. I feel her move from under me and hear doors closing, then I feel a draft on my thighs as the door closest to me opens.

She pulls me into her arms and we walk for a while before stopping. "Good heavens" I hear someone say and the voice sounds familiar but I'm too tired to open my eyes and check. I'm given to someone else and I feel cold before I'm placed on a bed and covered up. Someone strokes my hair and then I hear the sound of a door softly closing before my mind finally lets go.

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