Chapter 9

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Taeyeon's POV

"Are all of you ladies ready? I told Leeteuk we would beat him there. So, let's go because I don't wanna be their servant. And I bet none of you do either!" Tiffany yelled from the doorway. Of course she's going around making bets with Super Junior.

"What happens if we beat them there?" I was curious. Everyone else was squeezing out the door and into the elevator. She grabbed my wrist and had me take the stairs with her.

"Like I said would happen to us, they'd be our servant for one week. So let's get your size 6 feet moving down the stairs Tae!" (Idk if she's really that size or not, but it's just an estimate) And with that, she took off towards the lobby doors.

Kaylin's POV

I was never told why, but for some odd reason I was literally pushed into our van. The very back seat too. It was also about 20 minutes before SNSD's party would start anyways. Why so early today?

Donghae and Kyuhyun jumped into the two spots on either side of me and yanked the others in as well.

"Why are you sitting on me?!" I said to Eunhyuk who gladly took a seat right on my lap. I attempted to push him off, but quickly I realized he wasn't going anywhere.

"Stop pushing me Kay! We have to beat them there and we don't have time to load up another van!" He yelled back to me. I am still confused by what they meant by that, so I just heave a sigh and make sure my dress stays down as Eunhyuk constantly adjusts himself so he doesn't fall off of my lap. Whatever, make yourself at home I guess. At least I can say he's small enough to where it doesn't make that much of a difference.

The drive to the location was only about 5 minutes, and I was thankful! This means I can move and sit freely for a little bit!
I guess some bet went on with SNSD that someone made. I only know this because I happened to be attacked by the screaming Hae;

"Kay! They're our servants for 7 whole days! We won the bet! SNSD took way too long! WHOOP!" He hugged me and zoomed back to the building. Okay then..

Once he opened the door to get back inside, I could hear the loud music of Super Junior along with the accompaniment of rainbow lights flashing here or there.

I stood up away from the bench I had just sat down on and got a little closer. Their song She Wants It was playing. Oh and let me tell ya, I LOVE that song! When Lilly and I were still back home, we would study the dance moves until we got them perfectly. That included the little segment towards the end of the song where Kyuhyun, Donghae, and I think Eunhyuk (sorry if I'm wrong..too lazy to check at the moment xD) dance with those very lucky, and may I mention handsy, back up dancers. I do not care, but I was never fond of how up close and personal they got to my Oppas! Although I know I'd never say that out loud to anyone, I still hate their choreography with them.

I walked inside the party and could only see a very crowded dance floor. I swear, everyone was on it! And that sucks because I really wanted to dance to this. *insert sad face*

I huffed and took a seat at one of the tables. I silently turned on my phone and began go text my best friend.

Hey Lilly! XD

It took only about 20 seconds for my phone to light up once more.

Hey girly! How's it in Korea with Suju? :3

I was getting ready to text back when I noticed a figure in front of me. I automatically felt rude to be on my phone at someone else's celebration, so I turned it off quickly and looked up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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