Chapter 5: Welcome to the Jungle

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3rd POV:

In Space.







In Somewhere Else.

???: "Urrrgh...." She was groaning and make her eyes was start to opened up right away and then she was got her eyes tried to opened out.

???: "W-W-Where am I?" She ask herself and make her was slowly got up from the ground and she turn her head to look around and make her was surprise that she was in the beach by herself and she just remembered about the plane crashed down here. The girl was an Asian Japanese and she had a brown hat cowboy, wearing green jacket, blue skirt, and brown leather boots and this girl name is Mutsumi.

 The girl was an Asian Japanese and she had a brown hat cowboy, wearing green jacket, blue skirt, and brown leather boots and this girl name is Mutsumi

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Oribe Mutsumi.

When she was got wake up from the coma and then she turn her head to look all around and she wasn't sure to know where she is and she was in the airplane with the students that they both were chilling right there. Then they both were having fun but until out of nowhere there was a giant bird...a giant bird was hit the front of the airplane and make the plane was losing control and turns out everything was losing the plane was crash down on the ground and blow up right away.

Only Oribe who made it alive...but she doesn't know about the others who were made it out there alive by themselves...but she wish them are gonna survive.

Oribe: "Am I the only one who survive?" She asked and then she heard a screech from up there to the sky and she doesn't know where she really is...but the thing is...mysterious island. When Oribe was begin to moving out by herself and she just start to moving out to somewhere else in this new world and then Oribe was the only one who survive from the plane was flying through the portal and it takes them to the other timeline and different universe...oh boy...she had no idea what is in the island...something worst, horror, and dangerous for what she was with her friends is gonna face the most dangerous monsters.










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