Chapter 11: Specialist V.S Feral Predator

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

Tequila: "Don't worry, Rookie

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Tequila: "Don't worry,'re going to be fine." She said to him and she was carrying Rookie and (Y/N) who was helping her too.

(Y/N): "Kid, you're still with us?" He asked the rookie and make him felt unconscious and then the two of them take the rookie to the safety right away and they both went to the tree over there and make the two of them set the rookie to the ground

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(Y/N): "Kid, you're still with us?" He asked the rookie and make him felt unconscious and then the two of them take the rookie to the safety right away and they both went to the tree over there and make the two of them set the rookie to the ground. Then they both check at the kid and make sure that he is going to be alright and (Y/N) was check at his head and he look at the kid again and he was fine...pretty much fine right now...just his head got hit pretty hard by the ambush from Feral Predator.

(Y/N): " backup immediately." He said to her.

Tequila: "I'm on it!" She said and she use the radio walkie talkie or earpiece to contacting with the other about the ambushes from Feral Predator was attack and killing all the other marine soldiers and now only left is (Y/N), Rookie, and Tequila that's the three of them are here. Then (Y/N) was look around and he need to make sure that these things for what Katya told (Y/N) about 'Predators' and they are smart and tactical....they can invisible for themselves and he doesn't like this at all.

Tequila: "Is anyone else copy?!?" She said to the earpiece and make the static going on the ear and (Y/N) turn his head to look at her and he asked her.

(Y/N): "What's wrong?!?" He asked her.

Tequila: "I can't contact the general in the radio! Something just block the signal." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "This isn't good...if that thing show up...we need to get prepare right now before it will be here any minutes. Do you have your weapon with you?" He asked her and make her nod her head and then (Y/N) take his submachine gun out and load the weapon right away and Tequila got her assault rifle out and load it up. Then (Y/N) with Tequila heard there was a clicking noises comes from somewhere and make (Y/N) was with Tequila goes their own position with their weapons aim around here.

(Y/N): "Did you see anything?" He asked her and she was shook her head and she told (Y/N) that she didn't seen anything and then the two of them were waiting for what happened (Y/N) saw there was a dot sigh red glowed aim at Tequila's head and make him seen this. Then the specialist was jump up and tackle Tequila and send the two of them on the ground and they heard the shot and out of nowhere an explode comes from the other side and it was blown up...and this make the two of them got up that they aim their weapons around.

Kyochuu Rettou: Aliens V.s Predators (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now