Chapter 18: Predalien's Attack

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3rd POV:

Back to Akira.

Akira: "Damnit, this is gone too far

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Akira: "Damnit, this is gone too far...I've been walking for few hours and I couldn't find anything else around here!!!! I hope Kamijo's gonna be alright." He said to himself and make him just walking up to somewhere else in this jungle and then he just mind his own business going by himself. When the boy who was tries to walking in the jungle and he need to keep going far away from these animals back there...those things are killing innocent victims and hanging these bodies upside down and skin alive.

Akira: "*I don't like this...whatever done with these people back there. Something else kill them.*" He thought himself and make him was walking and keep walking out to somewhere else in this world and the student was tries his best to find a way to survive.

Akira: "*I need to get up there immediately.*" He thought himself and when he was walking up there and he saw there was a building over there and make him just surprise for what he found and he saw there was a nearby building.

Akira: "*A-A-A building?!? Must be the survivors are here or anyone else. I need radio or contacting*" He thought himself and then he was walking up there by himself and then he just tries to search around and he didn't find anything but there was radio broken and nothing else are in there. But until the student was felt something behind his back and make the soldier was surprise little bit and he knew there is someone else is right behind at him...the gun cocking at him behind and he heard a voice called out sound like robotic.

Android Soldier 1: "Turn around." He told Akira and make the man was turn around and then he saw the android solider aim his weapon at him.

Akira: "E-E-Easy, man! Look I'm not gonna-" He tries to said and got hit by one of the rifle and make him groan out and he got grab by android soldier and toss him to the ground right away and then Akira tries to speak but hitting by the android soldiers. Then they waiting for Weyland's order and prepare to execute Akira right away...and this make Akira was scared like confuse about what is going on until he felt a gun aiming at him.

Akira: "W-W-Wait!!!!!!" He shout out and he doesn't want to get shot but out of nowhere something just tackled the android soldier and killing him like tear him apart off with his bare hands and the creature was keep killing and tear him like a wild animal.

Akira: "Holy shit!!!!!" He shout out in surprise.

Akira: "Holy shit!!!!!" He shout out in surprise

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Predalien: "*ROAR*"

When the creature was roar out at those android soldiers who were snapped out of their attention and they focus to shooting at the Predalien and the boy who just start to running away from this monster is behind back there...kill the other android soldiers. Then Akira was run fast as he could and he want to survive from that thing is right behind at him...and the creature is still come after him if he need to survive away from it.

The creature look back at the student who was running away from here fast as he could and the creature was let out another roar and the sound of Alpha roar get the other xenomorphs appeared here right away. Then there were horde of xenomorphs will be here right on the time and then they both are chasing at Akira where he really is going.

Time Skip Later.

Back to Katya.

When Katya was sat there and she is typing her fingers at the computer and she tries to find out about the data computer that Weyland had it...and she want (Y/N) to destroy it before Weyland will activating it up with something sinister and his works too. Then Oribe was felt safe here in this building also the rest of the soldiers are here to protecting them all and then Oribe was sat there and chilling by herself with her friend and she look at the android Katya and she asked her.

Oribe: "How long you known him, Katya?" She asked her.

Katya: "Just 5 weeks later in this Weyland's company...I known him when I spot him who spying Weyland's doing." She said.

Oribe: "What you say it is truth...but Weyland's plan is crazy." She said.

Katya: "Yes, he's insane...and he want to be a god...he is threaten mankind. The Specialist's job must shut Weyland down and terminate him for what he's doing and we cannot let the mankind will be threaten by evil's doing....and (Y/N) must do his mission for this world's sake." She said to her.

Oribe: "I are we sure that we are gonna be safe here?" She asked Katya.

Katya: "Yes, I am positive that we are going to be safe here...but do not worry...General will plan something to bring you guys back to your own home and earth." She said to Oribe.

Oribe: "What if it don't-" She tries to said and Katya told her.

Katya: "Do not worry too much...(Y/N) will do his best tries to find a portal way to lead you both are get safety...that's his promise." She said to Oribe.

Oribe: "Thank you so much." She said to Katya and then out of nowhere an alarm ringing up right away and make them both were confuse but there was an contact coming here and this make the two o them turn their heads to look each others. They both were head out by themselves and they need to know what's going on...and then there were some soldiers aim their weapons at the boy who came out of the jungle.

Akira: "WAIT! WAIT!!!!!!" He shout out and he told them to stop shoot him and he wasn't an enemy and he told the soldiers there is something else behind him and it is coming here right now and something big was came here right away...and this make the soldiers goes their own positions aim their weapons at the front of jungles.

(A/N: This is the best scene right here...the aliens are smart...goddamn smart!)

Here comes the attack of Xenomorphs and they both here first when the soldiers are definitely notice it and they are shooting at these creatures with their weapons and tries to take them down.

Question is...How long are they gonna survive like this.

How long are they gonna survive with these xenomorphs.

To Be Continued.

Kyochuu Rettou: Aliens V.s Predators (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now