Chapter 16: The Birth Of Predalien

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3rd POV:

In Somewhere Else.

There was a dark place where the egg chamber is there and something else is here and there were dead bodies all hanging up there and they were got chestburst out by the small aliens comes from their bodies...cause of Face-hugger.

The Feral Predator was hanging up there and he just can't even move and he was dead and until something else came out of the chest and revealed it out to be new specie of xenomorph...Predalien.

The creature came out of the chest from Feral Predator and the small creature was lying down on the ground and make it was shook himself and he turn his head to look around and he notice there was King of Xenomorphs was sat on the throne by himself.

King: "Go, my child...find preys and kill them...consume them all to become stronger." He said to the small Predalien baby and this make the small creature nod his head and he begin to moving out by himself and the creature will kill anyone else and get consume and stronger...growing up and become something worst.

King: "No one can stop me...I'll take over this world." He said.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "*Sigh* I'm all not deserve for this." He said to himself and make him was looking at the bodies of those scientists that they were been killed by the android soldiers and didn't unexpected for what (Y/N) really find out and he need to find Weyland and killed him. Then (Y/N) was got up from the ground and then he turn his head to look back at Xariyah kill those android soldiers and take their heads off and revealed their heads as her trophies...also Six was doing fine...she just mind her own business.

(Y/N): "Well, this is gonna take awhile right now...we should get moving on." He told the two of them and make the two of them were done with these bodies.

(Y/N): "Hmm...I hope Katya with the others are going to be alright?" He asked himself and the three of them were moving up to the other area and they were checking around and make sure that they found anything else here in this place. Nothing that they were found but they just keep moving fast as they could before these predators or xenomorphs gonna be appeared anytime and soon.

The three of them went to the other building and they both tries to find any evidence around in this room and (Y/N) find the files and some evidences of those scientists are working and make sure that (Y/N) will give the information to the general right away.

Weyland: "Hello, (Y/N)." He said.

There was a radio called out and make (Y/N) is surprise and he aim his weapon at the radio over there and make (Y/N) just heard the voice comes from Weyland.

(Y/N): "Weyland...." He said in growl.

Weyland: "It is me, Mr. (L/N). I've seen you were checking up with the evidence and files...what exactly are you looking for?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Everything that we are going to stop you for what you did to this world...putting the dangers of innocent people's lives and your company will be shutdown." He said to him and this make the man was chuckle and he said. 

Weyland: "You don't understand all about my works, Mr. (L/N)." He said to (Y/N) and make him was narrow his eyes at the man's voice and he explaining to (Y/N) about what he did is create a new monster and empire for this world and this sick (Y/N) up for what he heard the man was speaking about and he is crazy...fucking crazy madman.

(Y/N): "You're a madman, Weyland..." He said.

Weyland: "I'm not a madman...I'm a genius to be madman!" He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "No! You're sick person for what I heard about...I think I will kill you where you stand on this island...Mark my words, Weyland. I'll take the King of Xenomorphs down and every xenomorphs that you were creating of." He said to him and then the radio was shut off by (Y/N) shot it with his weapon and he said.

(Y/N): "Go fuck yourself,'re going down." He said to the radio and then he turn his head to look at his girls and make him told them let's get going right now and they both just did it right away. 






Back to Predalien.

After the transformation of Predalien was become something big and terrifying and revealed itself to be adult and grown monster.

The creature was holding a dead body of marine soldier that he just kill and he break the head off from the soldier and let out a roar

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The creature was holding a dead body of marine soldier that he just kill and he break the head off from the soldier and let out a roar.

Predalien: "*ROAR*"

To Be Continued.

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