ONE | Polar Dogs

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          This was it. The match that would decide if we would make it into the finals! I bounced on the balls of my feet, hyping myself up for the match. I knew behind me, Lee and Mushi, were doing the same.

Lee was our firebender, he was fairly green but was a quick learner. Mushi was our earthbender, a pessimistic guy who had not faith we would make it any further.

"You guys ready? All we need to do it beat the fire ferrets and we'll be in the finals!" I grinned, spinning around in excitement. Lee gave me a small smile, but I could see the doubts in his eyes when he gave me a half shrug.

Mushi sighed, "It's the fire ferrets, Mikki, we would be lucky to last a minute." I frowned at him but shook it off quickly and kept my excitement. I had heard lots about the fire ferrets, but had never actually seen them! After our matches, I always had to rush home to get some rest for work the next day, but I always tried to listen to the rest of the matches as I went to bed.

Bolin, their earth bender, was formidable. He covered his brother Mako's back a lot and I heard he was a bit of a ladies man. Mako kept cool under pressure and was a genius leader - I was so excited to play against them! Hasook was their water bender, but I hadn't heard much about him that made the man stand out to me.

"Isn't that so exciting though? up and comers vs up and comers!" I said dramatically, putting my helmet on.

Lee shook his head, "Mako is going to wipe the floor with me," he sighed, tightening his uniform.

"only if Bolin doesn't get you first," came Mushi's dejected voice. The guy was such a downer, I wasn't even sure why he was trying in the pro-bending leagues if his attitude was this sour.

"Well, we know that Hasook is their weakest player, so we'll aim for him first, I'll keep Bolin and Mako distracted while you guys do that," I told them, lightly tapping them on the shoulder with my knuckles, "then we can focus on Bolin, we make him think that we're going for Mako, and then BAM! Into the drink!" I punched the air, my hyped every by finally catching onto Lee who grinned.

"'bam'?" Mushi questioned lamely, deadpanning at me. I just laughed at his doubt and walked to the platform, Lee quickly joined me. We roughhoused for a bit, both just laughing and enjoying each others company before we even realised we were halfway towards the ring.

"The Polar Dogs!" we heard the announcer, quickly straightening up with large smiles. I threw a few quick punches for show, the crowd cheering at us. Mushi moped - as usual, and Lee gave the crowd finger guns and blew them a kiss.

"The Fire Ferrets!"

I bulked, see a familiar pony tail underneath all that red armour. I almost had to rub my eyes in disbelief at seeing Korra standing in front of me, not seeming to see me at first. From the fire bender helmet, I assumed it was Mako who mumbled something to her, her face shifting in annoyance as she adjusted her helmet.

"Korra? Hey, Korra!" I exclaimed, standing up straight and waving at her excitedly. Korra tilted her head before a look of realisation washed over her features.

"Oh my god, the polar dogs! I forgot, Mikki! Hey!" Korra shouted back, equally as excited to see me. Bolin broke his stance and pointed between us in confusion, before shaking his head rapidly and getting into his stance.

I frowned in thought before quickly turning my head to my left, "Korra's green as green could be, our plan still stands!" They nodded at me, stances solid.

I heard the whistle blow and suddenly felt water rushing at me from my left, I put my hands out, the water forming a wall as I blocked it, but still went flying off the side. I dried myself on the elevator ride up, crossing my arms as my eyes lit up in vengeance.

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