SIX | Dress Up

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          Asami's bed was way softer than mine and I felt like I was going to melt into the covers while I waited for her to go through her closet. I wasn't sure how to feel about going to Korra's gala after she told me she would be fine. I mean, she didn't tell me not to go, so it should be okay, right? Plus, I'm there to give Bolin company. I was curious to see what Bolin would look like all dressed up, he was already pretty handsome normally so I couldn't even imagine how good he would look all fancy...

"Oo, found the perfect thing!" Asami announced excitedly, pulling out an earthy green dress that looked a smidge bigger than my size. I sent Asami a doubtful look, unsure about the whole thing.

It had a high neck top and looked... pretty tight. Listen, I wasn't all that insecure about my body, but I had never worn something that would stick to my skin the way this one did – if it fit.

"I don't know, Asami..." I trailed off, still looking at the dress as it dangled from her hands.

Asami pulled me out of the bed and ushered me towards her bathroom, "just try it on!" she encouraged, and how could I say no. Seriously, how could I?

I slipped it on and frowned, the dress was too long on me, and I felt a little stupid. I didn't think I would be able to fill it out either but hey, things have changed since I was 12. I hoisted up the skirt and peeked out timidly, catching sight of Asami as she searched for a dress of her own.

"It's a bit long," I admitted, getting her attention as I slipped out, a blush covering my face. Spirits, I felt short! But it wasn't my fault Asami was almost 6 foot!

Asami smiled at me, pleased as she took in my figure, "it looks perfect! We'll get it hemmed for tonight and you'll look beautiful!"

"Not with you around! I pale in comparison to your beauty!" I joked, dramatically bowing to the girl, who let out a giggle at my actions, a blush covering her cheeks.

"You flatter me," she laughed, ushering me back into the bathroom to get changed again. I did so with a smile handing her the dress after I walked back out.

Even after so many years of living away from the tribe, I still couldn't let go of my water tribe outfit. My mother had made it for me and every time I would outgrow it; I would hem it to fit again. I hadn't grown all that much since then, height wise. I got to 5'6" and basically stopped, which frustrated me a little now that I was surrounded by all these tall people!

"I hadn't noticed it before, but your necklace is beautiful," Asami complimented, and my hands subconsciously went up to my neck, fiddling with the necklace.

I smiled softly at her, "thank you, it was my mother betrothal necklace, she left it to me when she passed." My heart felt heavy as I thought of my mother, the feeling amplifying as I played with my necklace absentmindedly. I missed my mother, so much.

My sadness must have reflected on my face as Asami frowned sadly, face palming herself softly, her eyes searching my face for... something I couldn't quite put my finger.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I brought up hard memories," she said sympathetically, placing a hand on my arm. My chest felt lighter as her hand touched me and I let out a small breath, gaining my strength.

Shaking my head, I smiled at her, "it was a long time ago, I've grieved her and moved past it."

Asami's eyes softened as she kept her hand on me, "I lost my mother too, it never really gets easier,"

"It just gets bearable," I finished softly, the same sad smile on my face, mirroring her own. My heart squeezed painfully as our eyes met and I could tell her pain was reflected in my eyes as well.

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