FIVE | Borderline Harrassment

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         Korra had invited me over to air bender island for the day while she did some air bender training. We were hoping to finally have a minute to talk and decompress after the other nights events... with Bolin's kidnapping and rescue. We hadn't had a chance to speak properly again after our little revelation of our own at the gym. 

Plopping down next to me, Korra sighs, "it's been a while since we've hung out together, I feel kind of... strange about it?" 

I nodded, "yeah, I know how you feel... and I'm sorry about that, Korra."

"Why are you sorry?" Korra asked, her brows knitting together. A multitude of emotions crashed into me, flickering from confusion, to bitterness and to hope. Hope that maybe, after all these years, the mystery of why she had abandoned me would be solved. No matter how many times I move past it, I always seem to wonder why. 

I sighed, which seemed to be a common theme for today, "well, I left without telling you in person, like I should have, but you had been so busy with avatar training and I wasn't allowed in your compound." 

"But the Lotus said that I could have visitors?" came her confused reply. I felt my chest tighten at her words. 

I bit my lip, remembering what they had told me all those years ago, "they told me the opposite and said that the Avatar didn't want any distractions, which is probably why you never got any of my letters."

"That's not true!" she shouted indignantly, fist hitting the ground next to her in anger. I placed my hand over her own and nodded softly, silently telling her that I knew - now at least. 

Korra let out a noise of frustration and a pregnant pause followed as our words lingered in the air. All this time, the white lotus had kept us apart and ruined our friendship... it wasn't fair. 

As always, Korra was the first to break the silence, "so... you mentioned the circus?"

"Um... yeah, I joined the travelling circus to get to Republic City," I told her, feeling a little embarrassed by my pennilessness, "I didn't have a lot of money... or, any much actually." I continued, using my hair to hide me pink face from her. 

"That's amazing, you've always been resourceful that way." she complimented, her voice soft and sincere. 

"Oh stop it you," I said jokingly, waving my hand at her as my free hand cupped my cheek, feigning a blush. 

"I might stop when you learn how to finally take a compliment!" Korra snapped back, holding an accusatory finger up at me as she held back a smile. 

I gasped, "I so can take a compliment!"

"Nuh uh," Korra said stubbornly, crossing her arms. 

I stuck my tongue out at her, "Yuh uh!"

"We'll agree to disagree," Korra nodded to herself, satisfied with her words. 

I shot her an cheeky grin, "bold of you to assume I would do that!" Korra facepalmed, her hand sliding down her face and revealed an amused grin, which faded into another sombre look. 

"On a real note, I'm glad that you're back... it just feels a bit weird right now."

My lips tugged upwards, "I know how you feel, I was... so angry when I saw you, but also just missed you so much, I acted like an idiot," I admitted, putting my face in my hands. 

"You were angry? You did not give off that vibe at all!" Korra blurt out, astonished.

"Well I kinda processed a lot of the things and moved past them, I figured starting anything wouldn't be helpful to either of us and here we are!" I rambled out quickly, braving a peek at her from behind my hands. I hummed and sat up, now holding her gaze. 

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