THREE | Blocked Chi

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         I kicked off my shoes, my hair a frizzy mess as I flopped onto my bed with a happy sigh. I felt like my head hit the pillow before I had to get up again, the shriek of the phone forcing me to roll out of bed... again. I groggily answered the phone, mumbling out a hello before I heard Korra's concerned voice.

"Have you seen Bolin?" she asked urgently, not really spending time on hellos. I mumbled a no, a little more awake and asked why, scratching my hair as I yawned. 

She sighed, "Bolin got mixed up in the triple threats and we had hoped he hadn't gone further than that, or he ran into you or something," I straightened up, shaking the sleepiness off and gave her my address, mainly because I didn't even know where to start, and Korra was probably getting Naga to help track the earth bender. 

"You are taking Naga, right?" I asked, my train of thought coming to a halt at the chance that Naga wasn't with Korra in the city, and might be at the south pole still. Korra responded in the affirmative and hung up. In my panic, I didn't even change clothes but I put on my southern tribe shoes and ran out the door, not even bothering to fix my hair as I grabbed my waterskin and ran outside. 

Korra was out the front right as I burst out of my building door and I ran up, taking Korra's outstretched hand and held in a yelp as she basically threw me onto Naga. Pabu leapt from Mako and snuggled around my neck, resting on the back of my shoulders. 

"Fill me in?" I asked from behind Mako, awkwardly placing my hands around him to hold on. They quickly filled me in, and I got the gist in no time. Bolin, money, performance, Shin, Triple Threat, not good. When we got to their headquarters, I frowned as I surveyed the area, Mako sharing my suspicious look. 

"Something's not right," Mako says as he approaches the door cautiously, "there're usually thugs posted out front, we better be cautious." Korra nods and I take a breath as they begin to scope the joint. I wanted to go in with them, but I was worried about if whoever was keeping Bolin were to escape and rubbed my arm uncomfortably. 

"Listen, I'll stay out here in case something happens," I told them, sighing at their judgemental looks. 

Mako sighed, "alright, Korra and I will go inside, you better watch the perimeter." I crossed my arms, but nodded. Mako approached the door carefully, gesturing for Korra for to follow. I walked around the side as Korra broke down the door, and shouted out as I saw them shoving Bolin and Shady Shin into the back of a truck. Bolin's eyes were desperate as they met mine, and I immediate got into stance. 

"Bolin!" I shouted, undoing my waterskin, launching water at the tyre. I froze my water on the tyre right as Korra burst outside, the force of the tyre taking off shattered my ice as it took off. I felt myself get yanked by the collar and lifted onto Naga, the polar dog bounding after the kidnappers. I pull my water back into my waterkin, anger on my features as two of the kidnappers throw a smoke bomb.

I balanced myself on Naga, joining the pair in sending attacks towards the motorcyclists and the truck. Korra creates cracks throughout the road with her earth bending, causing one of the motorcyclists swerve into a ramp Korra also made, forcing him to to launch into the air, the rider landing safely.

Two motorcyclists fall back, one throwing something at Naga's legs which wrap around and cause us to go flying. I use the water from my waterskin to cushion my fall, before rolling and springing to my feet. 

The three masked motorcyclists elegantly twist in the air to land at opposite sides of Mako and Korra to fight them, the last one landing in front of me. Thankfully, Mako and Korra are standing at this point. The female rider wastes no time and runs for Korra, who ignites her right fist and sends a large fire blast at the incoming attacker. I don't bother using bending, instead getting into my stance and get ready for hand to hand combat. 

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