SEVEN | Discomfort

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              Korra knew that she would have her hands full with the task force and had sneakily asked me to take her place during training, so the fire ferrets still had a water bender. I sighed as I opened the door of the gym, seeing Bolin and Mako look up hopefully for Korra and seeming to deflate as they saw it was just me.

"Mikki!" Bolin exclaimed, rushing up to pick me up in a tight hug. I wheezed, not expecting that response from him and laughed as we spun, my face red as I felt his muscles against me.

I giggled as he placed me on my feet, steading me as I stumbled, "Hi Bolin! Korra sent me to fill in for her, hope that's okay!"

"Aw man, Korra's still wrapped up in that task force stuff?" Bolin said, disappointed. I felt a little deflated myself at the reaction but tried not to take it to heart. We had spent a little time together and I would have been surprised if he preferred me over the girl he has a crush on.

Shrugging half-heartedly, I walked around him, sharing a nod with Mako who seemed more moody than usual. Bolin moved so quick I barely registered it as he grabbed my bag for my, carrying it inside and placing it near the wall with his and Mako's stuff. I felt my ears burning as I thanked him, tucking a strand behind my ear.

"It would've been better if Korra was actually here," he mumbled, making me frown. Damn, I know I wasn't her but that doesn't make me a good water bender!

I walked over and nudged him playfully, "hey, the polar dogs disbanded so let me have the taste of pro bending without the pro bending!" I heard Bolin gasp dramatically, running up and grabbing my shoulders.

"They DISBANDED?" he exclaimed in aguish, shaking me violently, "Why?! You guys were my favourite team, other than the fire ferrets of course, to watch!" It was flattering to hear that I had been one of his favourite teams, it made a small bubble of hope rise inside that told me I might have a chance.

"We lost, Bolin! We can't play this season, so the other two quit and I ended up disbanding the group." I explained between shakes, my voice sounding oddly even throughout it all. The decision wasn't an easy one, that was for sure and I had cried the entire day after I submitted the forms... I might have been crying during work that day, too. It was embarrassing.

Pro bending was my dream, something that I wanted to dedicate my life to. Now that it was over, I wasn't sure what I was still doing in Republic City now that I couldn't compete anymore. Maybe I would join another team if there was ever a dang opening!

After Bolin got over my team disbanding (he almost brought me to tears, too) the training went pretty well. We had the radio on and kept hearing about Korra's feats on the task force, which seemed to sour the mood slightly, but Bolin and I managed to lift it with our banter.

Mako would catch me looking at Bolin as he practiced his earth bending, sending me a knowing look. I just raised an eyebrow with a, 'can you blame me?' expression on my face. I couldn't help it, Bolin just made earth bending look so... attractive. I could watch him punch all day, that was for sure.

"You guys want to go grab lunch after this? I know a spot," I called out, wiggling my eyebrows as the end of the session drew near. Mako smirked at me and said he had plans with Asami and Bolin was keen to go eat.

My head exploded, steam bursting out my ears as I sent a scathing look to Mako, who shrugged innocently.

Bolin slung an arm around my shoulder, "guess its just me and you, pretty lady!" he joked, running a hand through his hair. My ears burned. What saved me from completely melting into his arms was his stink, jeez the boy needed a shower after the session!

I plugged my nose and stepped away from him, smirking as I lowered myself into aggressive stance. Bolin sniffed his own arm pit before looking back at me with a helpless look on his face.

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