EIGHT | Back Bender

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Mikki felt a tad conflicted. Korra had asked her to check up on the ferrets in her stead while she was busy with the task force – making some teasing jokes about Bolin and her, which she laughed and didn't deny. Mako seemed to have slightly warmed up to her, giving her small smiles and teasing her a lot more, like he would Bolin. Asami didn't show up for every training session, but she was there for a lot of them and they got along great; they talked about makeup, motorcycles, Asami's old moped that she wanted to get rid of because she didn't use it anymore, and things like that. Bolin... was harder to talk to than Mikki thought.

The boy was kind and energetic, but Mikki always had trouble focusing when she would get closer to him – her ears often getting so hot they were on the verge of smoking whenever he would stand near her. It didn't help that he had muscular forearms (which he just so happened to always have his sleeves rolled up to his elbows) and really nice hands. Nevertheless, Mikki tried subtly putting moves on him regardless, hoping that he would forget his feelings for Korra and maybe, just maybe, give her a shot.

"Hey Bolin, when are you going to show me those earth bending moves of yours?" Mikki called across the gym, eyes trained on Bolin's wide stance as he effortlessly bent the earth discs. Asami giggled next to her, elbowing her side gently and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively when Mikki turned to look. Mikki's ears heated up and she playfully rolled her eyes.

Bolin staggered lightly, the disc missing his mark as he turned to look towards where the girls sat, "can't show you much of anything from over there!" he joked, running a hand through his hair and placing a hand on his hip.

"Oh brother, I'm done for," Mikki said quietly, trying to ignore the way her stomach flipped. Bolin was just effortlessly attractive and the more she got to know him the deeper her crush was.

Asami grinned impishly, "what're you waiting for? Bolin's going to show you his moves," she joked suggestively, pushing Mikki off the bench they were sitting on. Rolling her eyes, Mikki sent Asami a small pout before skipping over to Bolin.

"Here I am, Master Bolin!" She saluted, clicking her heels together. Bolin grinned and stroked his imaginary beard, hand still on his hip as he leaned down to meet Mikki's eyes.

He smirked, "I like that," he told her. Mikki felt her ears burn and could faintly hear Asami's giggles back on the bench.

"I'll keep that in mind!" Mikki chirped, relaxing her stance, "now that I'm here, show me some of those hot earth bending moves you got."

Bolin lip twitched slightly, pink dusting his face as he quickly cleared his throat and faced the net. Stomping lightly on the ground, more earth discs raised from the ground, raising to Mikki's height.

"Not sure how it'll translate to your water bending, but we'll figure it out together," he said to her, sending another one of his charming smiles her way.

Hm, I think I remember hearing that somewhere before...

Mikki shrugged, "shouldn't be too hard, I believe in us."

"Alright, I'll start with some of the basic earth bending forms," he told her, going all Sage Master Bolin on Mikki, "we'll start with a wide stance like this," Bolin said, demonstrating his form.

His feet were shoulder width apart, his elbows inline with his waist, hands clenched into loose fists. His expectant eyes landed on her, watching as she followed his instructions. Only some water bending forms required wide stances and fewer required her feet to be shoulder width apart like this - it simply wasn't the style of a water bender to stand as strong and rigidly as earth benders do and Mikki couldn't help but feel like she was doing it wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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