FOUR | Rescue Mission

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          Work made the day fly by, thankfully. I was working at the café until midday and it felt like the orders never stopped pouring in and I had to skilfully avoid my manager in fear of him asking if I could stay back. I had a shift at the restaurant afterwards, doing the lunch and dinner rushes and I swear it aged me a few years with how rude everyone was today. I shook my head as I clocked off, finally having shut down the dining area and bar - much to the dismay of the late comers who assumed that if you show up 10 minutes before close they would still be sat and fed. 

"Cya Mikki, you get home safe, you hear?" one of the cooks, Lao called out to me as he walked out with the other chefs. He was a fire bender and a massive flirt - all the chefs were to the waitresses and hostesses. 

I gave them a smile and a wave, "always do, you guys get home safe too!" Lao gave me a thumbs up, while the other chefs called out something - but since there was three of them all shouting over each other, I had no idea what they had said and just returned the thumbs up Lao had given me. I chucked on my hoodie, which I had gotten from a second hand shop and it was a bit big... and had a cabbage on the front. 

Pulling out the leaflet from my bag, I began in the direction of this meeting and hoped to find Korra and Mako there waiting for me. It was a bit of a trek to get there and I had almost wished I had taken some kind of transport to get there, because I had a small stitch in my side. I train a lot, but that doesn't mean I can jog across the city and not feeling a little winded, alright?

I put my hood up as I observed the people heading into the factory building and shrugged, hoping I would find the pair of lovebirds inside. As I approached the entrance, a man stopped me. 

"Invitation?" he asked, holding out his hand expectantly. I panicked, patting my clothes down and eyes quickly darting to the other door-guy dealing with his line, watching someone place a leaflet into his palm before they were let in. 

I sighed in relief, "sorry, I just finished work, I thought I lost it," I spoke, my voice a smidge higher than usual as I reached into my hoodie pocket and pulled out the leaflet, which was a bit squashed. 

"I know the feeling," the man said, taking my leaflet, "I have to check your bag too if thats alright." 

I nodded and took my backpack off my back, "of course," I chirped, looking at him through my lashes with a flirty smile. He gave me a equally flirtatious smirk back and used a pole-like object to riffle through my clothing, which was just my gym outfit and my cafe uniform, along with some shoes and... underwear. I felt my cheeks heat up as he paused on the lacy black underwear, his eyes flickering to me before taking his pole out. 

"Welcome sister, the revelation is upon us," he said after a pregnant pause, the smirk still on his face as he let me pass. I half-bowed, shooting another smile as I entered the factory. 

As I walked in, I felt a little sick as I observed the growing crowd. All these people hated benders for the sole fact they could bend and sure, I had run into my fair share of people that would attack me for being a bender but seeing so many in one place made my head spin. I frowned as I continued to scan the crowd for Korra and Mako, my lips turning upwards as I saw the familiar heights (and eyebrows) of the pair and quickly made my way to them, apologising as I waded through the crowd.  Damn it, these people didn't deserve my apologies!

"Wonderful night for a revelation, aye, brother and sister?" I said to them happily, my voice dripping with insincerity as I kept my gaze on the stage. Korra and Mako turned to me in surprise, seemingly forgetting that I was going to show up. 

"Mikki!" Korra whispered in shock, wrapping an arm around my bicep and pulling me closer to the two. I was now stood in front of them, in the middle, which was convenient because I would be able to hear the two of them conspire and not have to strain myself. 

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