TWO | Korra

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          I groaned into my pillow, feeling stupid at my fumble with Bolin. My confidence from a distance? Amazing, top notch flirt, never seen before! My confidence standing in front of him, seeing how tall and built he is... seeing his eyes up close.. ugh! I couldn't even think about it without cringing. I made a complete fool out of myself, spirits he would never be interested in me now! 

I should've known better, given how he was eyeing Korra, which is honestly fair enough. I closed my eyes, digging myself deeper into the covers when I heard the drone of my phone ringing and screaming lightly into the pillows before rolling over and dragging myself to the phone, feeling dejected. 

"Hello, you've reached the home of Republic City's lamest flirt, Mikki, what can't I do for you today?" I spoke miserable into the phone, hearing the slight laugh on the other end. 

A familiar voice caused me to perk up, "uh, hey Mikki! It's, um Korra!" I heard her awkwardly splutter. Oh, Korra called me. Wait. Korra called me?


"Korra?!" I squeaked into the phone, my eyes almost bulging out of my skull at her voice. We had spent so many years drifting apart, I felt nervous that she would've hated me... I tried to play it off in the ring, joking around as I usually do, but I was too scared to actually talk to her about everything. Well, I did want to talk to her but it turns out Bolin makes me a little nervous. Okay, a lot nervous. 

I cleared my cleared and slicked back my hear, trying to be cool, "Korra, hey bud, buddy.. ahem, what can I, uh, do for you?" I failed. I winced at my own voice. 

"Mako and Bolin told we have to train early tomorrow morning... did, did you want to come? and catch up?" I could hear her hopeful voice and smiled. She didn't completely hate me! 

I fist bumped the air, "yes! definitely! I'll stop by before work!" I said quickly, my ears burning. I heard Korra let out a sigh of relief and we said our awkward goodbyes and for some reason I gave a two fingered salute to the phone as she hung up. I groaned, dragging a hand down my face in embarrassment, not wanting to think about my stupid actions that plagued me all day.

I flopped into bed, the breeze from my window blowing in, making me snuggle deeper into my bed with a satisfied sigh. This was living, just me and my bed - that I saved up so much for and is quite honestly my most prized possession. Light snores filled the room as I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of my childhood with Korra, but with a certain couple of bonehead brothers infiltrating my slumber. 


Morning came quickly, almost too quickly. My alarm went off and I slapped it with a grunt, my hair a elephant rats nest and sighed, rubbing my eye lightly as I yawned. I brushed out my hair, opting to leave it down today and threw on my clothes, posing stupidly in the mirror at my summer water tribe garb and trudged into the bathroom. 

After getting ready for the day, I packed my uniform into my bag and almost flew down to the gym, where the trio I came for were already warming up. I opened the door shyly, peaking my head in and getting the attention of Korra, who threw the medicine ball to Mako a little too roughly as she bounded over. 

"Mikki!" she exclaimed, scooping me into a hug and spinning me around. The brothers just watched the interaction, Bolin with a dropped jaw and Mako with an holier-than-thou look on his face. What a wad.

I giggled at her excitement, "Korra, hows it hanging?" I asked with a impish grin, feeling the head spins coming. Thankfully, she put me down with her hands still on my shoulders.

 She guided me over to the boys. "It's hanging low today," she said tiredly, stopping me in front of them, cheeks dusting pink at the brother's confused looks, "I invited Mikki to come today, is that alright?"

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