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liked by calumhood and 763,783 othersdylancampbell my boys are home 🫶 just missing @victoriaanderson and @ashtonirwin !

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liked by calumhood and 763,783 others
dylancampbell my boys are home 🫶 just missing @victoriaanderson and @ashtonirwin !

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user this is so adorable

user omg i love when they're together

lukehemmings the ogs are together, all is well
dylancampbell all is well 🙏

user this is so precious

user ugh i alr know dylan is abt to give us THE BEST content

michaelclifford i love meeting fans
dylancampbell im a fan of your mom

user the best friend group

calumhood good to be back together
dylancampbell its not home without coolguycal 🥹

user ^ PLEASE im gonna cry


     "I'm sorry but there's absolutely no world where I would choose Queen over The Beatles," Michael loudly declares as we sit around the living room.

     My jaw drops. I point in Michael's direction and reply, "That just goes to show you know nothing about anything."

     "Alright, they were from two very different times in history," Luke inputs, trying to play peacemaker.

     "Don't bother arguing with Dylan," Calum says, holding his hands up as if to put a stop to any protesters. "Everyone knows she only accepts her own answers as the right ones."

     I scoff and reach over to give Calum a light tap on the back of the head. He responds by pulling me closer to his side with the arm he was holding out.

     It's a little past midnight, and we're all drunk at Calum's house. I haven't seen the boys since August, and the fact that we're all in our hometown at the same time is a miracle. I'm so unbelievably happy.

     Victoria and Ashton are arriving tomorrow, and then the six of us are taking a week long trip to Sydney to stay in an Air BnB on the beach.

     "I'm fuckin' exhausted," Michael says, rubbing his hands down his face. "I'm gonna call it."

     Luke nods in agreement. "Yeah, I've gotta call Sierra and then I'll probably head to bed as well."

     "G'night," I murmur to them both and everyone chimes in with their own 'good nights' before leaving Calum and I alone.

     Only when we're alone does it become significant that I'm cuddled against him. It's natural for us, having known each other for nearly twenty years, but I stiffen anyway when I become conscious of his body pressed against mine.

     "I'm gonna go have a smoke," Calum announces, standing up. He holds his hand out to me. "Come with."

     I nod, and my feet pad against the wood floor as I follow him to the backyard hand-in-hand. I settle into the patio couch, and Calum grabs a blanket from a basket by the door before draping it over my shoulders. It's October, but there's a slight chill in the air tonight.

     He lights a cigarette and settles next to me on the couch. I lift my feet and tuck them under myself. The silence is filled with the night time outdoor sounds, and it's peaceful and nostalgic.

     "I'm writing another album," I announce. It's not the biggest deal, but it's been a couple of years since my last album, so it seemed like something that needed an announcement. "I've barely written one song that I'm actually considering putting on it, but I feel ready to make another album."

     "That's awesome, Dylan," Calum grins. He holds out the cigarette for me and I pluck it from his long fingers. "Are you writing it here then?"

     I shake my head as I blow the smoke between my lips. I pass him the cigarette. "I don't know. I'll definitely go to LA at some point. I just don't want to go through the struggle of finding someplace to live."

     "You should just stay with me," Calum offers out. I raise my eyebrows, surprised by the offer. "I'm serious. I would love to have you cooking and cleaning for me as long as you need."

     "Ahhh," I laugh. "Makes sense. Here I thought you were being nice!"

     Calum grins, "No I'm serious. It's not worth the hassle to try to find a place. We could definitely live together."

     "Alright, alright," I concede. "If you're going to beg."

     "I'll always beg for you," Calum says cheekily. "New album. That's really great though, Dylan. It's gonna be great."

     "You're my best friend, you have to say that," I laugh.

     Calum shakes his head. "Nope. I mean it," he says. "Everything you do is great. It only makes sense that this will be, too."

     I smile fondly at him, feeling his sincerity in my heart. My head is still buzzy, but I'm starting to feel the exhaustion hit as well. I'm eager to break the seriousness that fills the air, so I reach forward and tussle Calum's long curls.

     "Your hair is entirely too long, Cal," I say, even though I think it looks really good like this.

     Calum grabs my wrist and holds it so I can't touch his precious locks. "Excuse me, but I don't remember asking your opinion on my hair."

     "When will you learn," I reply. "It's my job to give unsolicited opinions."

     "Well, you're fantastic at it!"

     I grin back at him, "Well, thank you!"

     I hear the patter of feet on the patio stones and Calum's little dog, Duke, appears. "Dukey!" I exclaim, patting my lap until the puppy jumps up on the couch.

     Calum scoffs. "Please don't call my dog Dukey."

     It takes me a minute to realize why, and I burst out laughing. "God, you're such a child!"

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