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     "Okay team, we shall divide and conquer," Victoria announces as we pull into the car park of the Woolworths. It is totally her fashion to have to plan out a grocery store trip like it is a military defense mission. "Luke, Mikey, and I will shop for dinner items- since, let's face it, none of you three can cook."

     "Uhm, excuse me, Mikey can not cook," Ashton interrupts, indignant.

     Michael looks offended by this as he argues, "Uh- yes I totally can. More than you can Mr. 'Three Minute Ramen'."

     "ALRIGHT! Anyway, you three are responsible for drinks and snacks," Victoria instructs Calum, Ashton, and I. The three of us nod obediently.

     "Aye, aye," I say, giving her a salute.

     "Alright. Go, team!"

     Immediately, I realize I'm going to have to do more babysitting than shopping, as Calum and Ashton seriously cannot be trusted together. I keep having to remind them that we're here for a week and we do not need a forty-pack of Fruit Roll-ups.

     "I'll be right back," Calum tells me and takes the cart with him. I watch his bucket hat disappear down an aisle.

     "DYLAN! Oreos or Chips Ahoy," Ashton shouts at me from a different aisle. I swear they have the taste buds of five-year-olds. "Never mind, I'll just grab both."

     Seconds later, Calum returns. The cart is full, but of strictly alcohol. He has multiple handles of vodka and tequila, about 24 cans of beer, and loads of seltzers. "Holy fucking shit, Cal," I snort in disbelief. "Are you planning on getting your stomach pumped this week?"

     "Bobby I am twenty-one this week," he tells me in all seriousness, even though he turned 21 about four years ago. "I am never going to be hungover because I am never going to stop being drunk."

     "You're insane," I laugh. Ashton tosses the cookies on top of the heinous amounts of alcohol, and I shake my head in disbelief. "Vic is going to slit our throats if we return with a cart full of alcohol and cookies."

     Shrugging, Calum grabs a bushel of bananas off the nearest shelf.


liked by sierradeaton and 863,983 othersdylancampbell looks like ashie can cook after all @victoriaanderson @michaelclifford

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liked by sierradeaton and 863,983 others
dylancampbell looks like ashie can cook after all @victoriaanderson @michaelclifford

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user ASHIE

user babyyyyy

user YESSSS ❤️❤️

user cook for me ashton

ashtonirwin damn straight
dylancampbell damn fuckin straight
michaelclifford oh shut up you two
victoriaanderson well calum and dylan still cant
dylancampbell blasphemy

user dylans overuse of instagram is so millennial
dylancampbell wait what do you guys not like my instagram posts
calumhood HA millennial

casual . calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now