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liked by gracieabrams and 860,146 othersdylancampbell 2022 im ready

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liked by gracieabrams and 860,146 others
dylancampbell 2022 im ready

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user dude ur hot

user absolutely unbelievable

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user this should be illegal


     I had been at Sabrina's house since seven, pregaming and getting glam together. She had invited Victoria and I, Madison, Gracie, and a few other girls and got us our own glam teams. We were already past tipsy by the time we had gotten ready and taken pictures, but we were borderline drunk by the time people started arriving.

I spent the better part of an hour floating around talking to everyone and anyone. There were so many people I'd met, but also a bunch of celebrities I'd only seen on Instagram- or better yet, I have been a fan of forever. I almost passed out when I saw Taylor Swift waltz into the room.

I searched the party for Victoria or one of the boys and luckily spotted Calum's curls across the room. I sloppily made my way over to where he stood with Niall Horan and snaked my arm around his waist.

"Oh, speak of the devil," Calum mutters, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"You were talking about me?" I ask, looking between him and Niall- who I've been good friends with since 2013.

Calum shakes his head as he slings his own arm over my shoulders. "Nah, just wondering where you were," he says, but he shares a suspicious look with Niall.

I roll my eyes, but sneak away from Calum to greet Niall. "How have you been," I ask him when we break apart from our hug.

"Oh, can't complain," he smiles with a shrug. "and you?"

I also shrug, "Oh, you know, I'm back in LA! Going to get some writing done."

"That's fantastic! Well, I'm going to continue my rounds," Niall says. "It was good seeing you both."

He leaves Calum and me alone and I turn to him with a stupid grin. "I am so fuckin' drunk and I just saw Taylor Swift walk in," I tell him.

     His jaw drops and he looks around behind me searchingly. "Taylor Swift? Do I look okay?" he asks, acting like he's fixing his hair. It takes me a second to realize he's teasing me, and I shove his shoulder when I do.

     "You're an ass," I say with an eyeroll.

     He grabs my hand and laces his fingers through mine before pulling me a little closer. "I'm kidding," he says with a smile. "Did you talk to her?"

     "No, I'm too scared," I say bashfully. We're nearly chest to chest, and Calum looks at me with an almost adoring expression. He often doesn't show it, but I know he's drunk too. He pulls me even closer, wapping his other arm around the small of my back.

     "You look hot," he says, leaning down to whisper into my ear.

     I turn my head and go on my tiptoes to take my turn whispering into his ear. "So do you."

     He pulls back and grins at me, "Do I?"

     "So fucking hot," I say theatrically.

     Calum laughs and I feel him fiddling with the rings on my finger. "Why did we decide we were just friends, again? The reasons aren't really ringing a bell..."

     Now it's my turn to laugh. "Because, Cal, your best friends are my best friends and your sister is one of my best friends and I've known you since you were afraid of the dark."

     "I'm still afraid of the dark."

     "Wouldn't you be sad if you broke my heart and we couldn't be friends anymore," I ask him.

     He thinks about it for a minute, but says, "I wouldn't break your heart, Dylan."

     Suddenly he's too serious and too close and I'm too drunk and I didn't realize I'd been gravitating toward him this whole conversation and our faces are mere inches apart.

     I shake my head clear and reply, "Of course you wouldn't. Not on purpose anyway." I pull away and put a good distance between us, feeling the need to be safe, rather than sorry.

He looks at me with pleading eyes, but our interaction is cut short by a shout, "DYLAN! CALUM! Fifteen minutes until midnight!" Victoria screeches when she spots us. She loops an arm around each of our arms and starts pulling us toward where most of the crowd is congregating.

She finds our friends in the crowd, I'm not sure how, and finally releases us. I greet Sierra and Crystal with hugs and "i love you"s and "you look amazing"s as all drunk girls do, but as the seconds slip by and the clock strikes 12, I allow Calum to pull me close and kiss me.

Who am I to refuse a New Years Kiss?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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