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     The first time Calum and I kissed, we were eight. Calum's older sister, Mali-Koa, teased us about being babies and not knowing what "grown-ups" did in relationships. That night we went in my basement and gave each other a quick peck. We both decided never to do it again.

     That was until the second time we kissed. We were sixteen, right before the boys moved, and we got drunk off a bottle of vodka that I stole from my stepdad. We made out until Calum touched my boob and I laughed. He wasn't in the mood after that.

     The third, and final, time we kissed was two years ago, at my brothers' graduation party. We were both tipsy, but not drunk. He was the only one of the boys who was able to make it and we spent the night together. He was so sweet and perfect and for the first time I thought maybe we could be something more than childhood friends. We very nearly slept together, but decided it wasn't a good idea- me more than him.

     Tonight, however, I am spectacularly drunk and slightly high and struggling to remember why I had thought it was a bad idea as his lips travel down my neck. He presses my body against the door and my hands tangle in his long curls. I'm grateful for the fact he's growing his hair out when I lightly tug on it and he groans with pleasure.

     I should probably rewind a little bit.

     After Ashton cooked us burgers, we spent the night in the pool drinking. Victoria and Luke were making everyone extremely strong daiquiris, and before we knew it, everyone was mindless.

     I was sitting on the edge of the pool, watching Victoria- the only non-singer of us all- butcher singing Taylor Swift karaoke on the outdoor TV, when Calum came to sit next to me. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close, before kissing me on the head in my hair. From an outside perspective, it could have definitely looked romantic, so I shouldn't really have been surprised when Ashton blurted out, "You guys seriously never hooked up?"

     My jaw dropped in disbelief at Ashton's bluntness, but Calum just burst out laughing. "No, Ash, we've never hooked up," he said, point blank, kicking water across the pool to hit Ashton in the face.

     "Just wondering. I wouldn't be surprised if you two randomly announced an engagement one day," Ashton said before dunking back into the water and swimming away.

     I turned to look at Calum, to share the strangeness of the moment, but he was looking at me with a calculating look on his face. "What?" I asked, slightly alarmed.

     Calum looked at me a minute longer, his brown eyes boring into mine, but then just replied, "We almost hooked up."

      "Wha- uh- yeah," I shrugged. "Like years ago."

     "Hmm," was his only response.

     Further on into the night, after Victoria and Luke had passed out in their rooms, Ashton was chowing down on another burger, and Michael had found a way to connect his Netflix and was watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, Calum and I decided to share a joint on the balcony outside my room.

     "If this could be my every day, I would never complain about anything else in my life," I declared as Calum blew smoke from between his lips. God, he looks better than the average guy does when smoking.

     "What about your job, or the rest of your friends and family," Calum challenged.

     I shook my head. "Nope. Just this. I'd be happy forever."

      Calum takes another hit and again the look from earlier returns to his face. I don't look away, I just take in his features. He blows the smoke out, some of it going in my face.

     "I think I could be happy like this too," he says finally.

      That's right before his lips press against mine. Very slowly at first, timid, before the kiss turns into something more deep and desperate- almost frantic. The joint is forgotten as his hands come up to either side of my face and he pulls me closer. He tastes like rum and weed and everything I've ever wanted.

     We stand up, our lips still connected, and he backs me into my room before my back hits the far wall.

     Okay, now we're caught up.

      My hands travel from his hair to the back of his neck to under his t-shirt back to his hair. I can't seem to touch enough of him. Calum seems to be in the same boat because he's grabbing my hips and then my ass and then my face and then my hips again. Our mouths explore each other feverishly, tangling tongues and clashing teeth.

     He rests his hand on my back, underneath my shirt, and presses me to his torso as if he wants to mould our bodies together. I reach for the hem of his shirt and we break for a moment as he lets me lift it over his head. I look at his torso for a second before running my fingers down his stomach.

     Now it's his turn to relieve me of my hoodie, and since I'm not wearing anything under it, the cool air hits my breasts immediately. "God, Dylan," he breathes, watching my chest rise and fall with my breath. "Perfect."

      He attaches his lips to my neck again, before kissing down to my boobs. I bite my lip to keep from moaning out loud when he flicks his tongue over my nipple and takes my breast into his mouth.

     We become even more frantic at this point. My hands fiddle with his belt buckle as he continues working magic on my tits. When I have his pants unzipped, he returns to kiss my lips before we both finish the task of undressing ourselves.

     We stand there in silence, naked, for a moment. "You sure?" he asks.

     "Calum," I breathe. His name alone holds as much emotion and confirmation as he needs, and he kisses me again. We shuffle to the bed and Calum lowers himself on top of me. 

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