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     I wake up early the next morning, the clock reading 7:04, and I glance at the sleeping man beside me. Calum looks so peaceful in his sleep. His dark curls are unruly and his torso is visible due to the comforter being bunched around his waist.

     As quietly as I can, I throw on a t-shirt and a pair of sleep shorts before slipping out the door of my room and making my way down the hall to where I know Victoria is sleeping. I see her blonde hair strewn all over the pillow, but not much of the rest of her as she's completely engulfed by the covers. I yank them off as forcefully as possible.

     "Vic!" I whisper-yell.

     She glances up at me with one eye open, a look of anger on her face. "Hello?"

     "Get up!"

     Victoria sits up, rubbing her eyes. "What time is it, Dylan?"

     I shake my head and reply, "Doesn't matter. Let's go make breakfast!"

     "Dylan..." she groans in response while flopping back down onto her mattress.

      I jump onto the bed next to her and kick my feet up behind me. "Victoria, I need to tell you something super important and you're going to need a cup of coffee to go along with it."

     "Can't it wait until, like, nine or something? I'm so hungover I feel like my brain is being smashed in by ha-"

     "Calum and I slept together."

     Victoria stops in her tracks, turns her head to the left to make eye contact with me, and says, "Yeah, I need coffee."

     We decide to go out for coffee, for the sake of free discussion, and I grab a sweatsuit from Victoria's suitcase so I don't have to go back to my room where Calum still sleeps. We hold the conversation off until we have made it to a small coffee shop a few minutes away and have our drinks in front of us.

     "So, what the fuck happened last night," Victoria asks bluntly.

     "I barely even know how it started," I admit, thinking back to last night. And then I realize that's probably not a good idea because now I'm picturing how Calum looked hovering above me. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. "But we were smoking one minute, and then the next, well, we were fucking."

     Victoria sits back, her jaw hanging open. She's silent for a minute before clapping her hands together and saying, "Well shit! That's actually makes perfect sense."


     "Dylan, you've been, like, in love with Calum since you were eight, and really, nobody can deny that he looks at you like you hung the moon," Victoria says, like it's all so obvious and that I should just start planning our wedding.

     I shake my head in disbelief. "No. First of all, I have not been in love with him since I was eight," I argue. Victoria rolls her eyes, but I continue. "And second, Calum is my best friend- second to you- and I don't want to jeopardize that."

     Victoria shrugs and replies, "Well then I guess you and Mr. Hood need to have a conversation."


liked by calumhood and 892,793 othersdylancampbell felt the need to ditch the boys today 🤷‍♀️🫶💓

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liked by calumhood and 892,793 others
dylancampbell felt the need to ditch the boys today 🤷‍♀️🫶💓

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user she is so beautiful

crystalleigh wow i miss you two
dylancampbell i need to see you asap
michaelclifford she doesn't even text me this

user victoria is a dream

user my mommys

user stop how could you ditch the boys 🥺
lukehemmings thats exactly what i said
calumhood justice for us???


victoriaanderson date with my favorite girl 💗
dylancampbell girlfriend
ashtonirwin i like pizza too.
victoriaanderson did i say date with my favorite girl and ashton? no.

user are you serious? she is so beautiful

madisonbeer ugh!!! when do you two beauties come to LA next??
dylancampbell i may or may not be there next month 🤫🤫

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