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     "Hello? We're back," Victoria calls out as we walk into the Air BnB. We decided after our coffees that we wanted a bit of time to ourselves so we raced home, changed, and left before any of the boys even rose from their hungover slumbers.

     There's no response, so we make our way outside and find the boys strewn around the pool deck. Ashton's the only one in the pool, while Calum and Luke are sitting in beach chairs and Michael is nowhere to be seen.

     "Hello sleeping beauties," Victoria says, and four heads whip in our direction. "How has your day been?"

     "Is it just me or do you hear betrayal talking," Ashton retorts, not taking a break from his lap swimming.

     "Oh drama queen," Victoria says with an eye-roll. "You were all asleep!"

     I take a seat on the free beach chair. Luke's chair is between Calum and mine, but I still spare him a look. He has sunglasses and a bucket hat on, and is sitting with his eyes closed. "Where's Mikey," I ask them both. This causes Calum to look in my direction.

     "On the phone with Crystal," Luke tells me and I nod in response. "How was your lunch? Looked good in that picture."

     "Oh it was delicious," I reply.

     There's a silence that follows, and I keep myself from making eye contact with Calum. Truth be told, I'm scared. I don't know what last night meant for us or our friendship. I don't want to be the one to broach the subject.

     Victoria's loud laugh pierces the air. "Luke! We're officially banned from making drinks for the rest of eternity."

     "I'm gonna go put on a swimsuit," I tell the boys before going inside.

     I stop in the kitchen to get a drink, and I hear someone else enter when I'm still putting ice in my cup. I look behind me and Calum is standing in the doorway, looking at me with an expression I've never really seen him wear before. He looks... determined.

     "Calum," is all I say.

     "Hey," he says. Silence follows before he takes a few steps closer to me and I lean back against the countertop. "How are you?"

     "Good," I shrug. I don't want to be the one to bring it up.

     Calum slowly closes the space between us and stands before me. He puts his hands on the countertop, on either side of me, and towers over me- with him being 6'1 and me being 5'2 it's not hard.

     "I'm guessing Victoria knows about last night," he says with a smile. I'm glad he's smiling. I'm glad he's not pretending it didn't happen.

     I return the smile- albeit sheepishly. "How could I not tell her?"

     "It's okay," he says. Our faces are mere inches apart at this point. One of Calum's hands suddenly is on my thigh, sliding up underneath the fabric of my sundress. "What did you tell her?"

     "Hmm?" This is the best I can muster as he starts drawing swirls on my upper thigh.

     Calum laughs. "I mean, did you tell her because you were freaking out because of a drunk mistake." Centimeters separate our lips. "Or because it wasn't a mistake."

     I'm not thinking. We should talk about this, we really should. But his hand is traveling higher and his breath fans over my face and I mutter, "Definitely the second one" and we're kissing again.

     His tongue slides its way into my mouth and my arms hook around the back of his neck, pulling him down further to my level.

     The sound of footsteps can be heard from the hallway, and Calum and I jump apart just as Michael appears in the kitchen doorway.

     "Oh, hey Dylan," Michael says upon seeing us. My breath has not caught up with me, so I just lift a hand in a small wave. "What's goin' on?"

     "Dylan and I were making drinks. We can't trust Luke and Victoria anymore," Calum says, thinking quickly. He picks up two bottles of liquor that were left on the counter. "Are we feeling rum or tequila today?"

     "Not rum," I say. I turn to leave the kitchen- to change as I first intended- but I call over my shoulder. "Not after last night."

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