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liked by niallhoran and 972,724 others
calumhood happy halloween from the boyz

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user 🥹🥹🥹🥹

user my favorite people on earth



user forty years from now i better still be getting posts from Dylan's annual party

dylancampbell amazing photo calum hood!
calumhood amazing party dylan campbell ❤️

user ^ im so in love with them



     I watch her from across the room as she talks to her brother and a friend from high school. She laughs at something someone said and I immediately want to know what it was and how I can be the one who elicits that laughter and causes that smile to appear on her face.

     "She's just amazing, isn't she," a voice to my left says. I snap my head in Victoria's direction, and she's looking at me with a knowing and slightly threatening smile. I don't reply. "Dylan. She's so beautiful and kind and-"

     "Need to get something off of your chest, Victoria?" I ask, interrupting her.

     Victoria shrugs. "Oh nothing," she says. I narrow my eyebrows at her, knowing you can't get away from anything with her. "Just that you need to be careful."

     "Oh god, Vic, we're not having this conversation," I groan, turning to put my elbows on the table and hang my head. Too late.

     "I know, I know, you're both mature adults yadda yadda," Victoria begins. "But need I remind you that you guys have been friends for nineteen years, and I don't need everything in everyone's life to get fucked up because you guys want to fuck each other."

     "Please stop," I mutter, but typical Victoria, she just keeps going.

     "Trust me, if this becomes something real and you guys get married and have babies," I start to cut her off, but she holds a hand up. "I'm just saying, if that does happen, I'll be fuckin' ecstatic and eat my words. But... if you do whatever boys do and mess her up... I mean, you'll probably become hated by not only Dylan and I, but your bandmates, your sister, and probably your own mother."

     I shake my head in disbelief. "Vic, I've known you since we were 12, you really think I'm that much of a dick?"

     "Calum, I know men and I know situationships," she replies matter-of-factly. "Just use your brain."

     I'm left dumbfounded as she walks away, leaving me in her wake. As much as I would like to put tape over Victoria's red-lipsticked mouth and shut her up forever, she voiced the thoughts I have had occupying my mind for the past two weeks. Could Dylan be my girlfriend? Could this all blow up terribly in my face and ruin a friendship I've had since I was 6 years old?

     And a better question, does Dylan even want to be with me? She hasn't mentioned us hooking up since the morning after it happened. I know she told Victoria, but for girls, that doesn't necessarily mean anything good. For all I know, she said something that made Victoria say that.

     I'm suddenly in need of another drink and make my way to the open bar. I'm waiting on my beer from the swamped bartender when the music turns down and the sound of a microphone turning on sounds throughout the room.

     I turn in my spot to see Dylan standing at the DJ booth, microphone in hand. "Hey guys," she says with a grin. She's wearing an all black outfit (big shocker) and has ridiculous fake teeth, but she looks hot. Really hot. 

     "Thank you everyone for coming," she's saying into the microphone. "It's my fifth year having this party and every year in fortunate enough to be able to invite more friends and friends that have become family. Thank you for an amazing year and I hope you guys have a great rest of your night."

     I watch her as she nervously puts the mic back in its stand and she catches my eye from across the room. Her face breaks into a smile and she sends me a little wave.

     God I have gotten myself into some deep shit.

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