Chapter 2

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The next morning I opened my eyes but closed them again due to the light shining in. I slowly opened my eyes and waited for my eyes to adjust to the light. I sat up and stretched my arms. Cain was still sleeping. I looked st the rime and it was 7am. I quietly tried to get out of bed but was pulled back.

Cain pulled me impossibly close to him. "Cain." I said and all I got was silence. "Cain let go. I wanna take a shower." I said. He took a deep breath but didnt let me go. I tried to wiggle my way out but the more I moved the tighter he would hold me. I kissed him on the cheek and he kissed me on the lips.

Its was passionate. He turned me on my back and he was on top of me. He deepened the kiss and he mkved his down down my body. He grabbed my butt and I jumped, closing the gab between us. He stopped the kiss to catch his breath and he smiled. "Morning kitty." He said. I smiled back.

"Morning Cain." I said. Cain laid next to me and I quickly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

"Come back here!" He said. I looked at him and his eyes were still closed. Maybe I can have some fun here. I thought. I smiled and turned to the bathroom.

"Make me." I said. I was about to close the door but cain somehow got to me and picked me up. He took me back to bed and growled.

"Dont test me love. I dont play fair." He said.

"Neither do I." I said. He smirked and kissed me.

"Go do your business." He said and went back to bed. I went to the bathroom and did my business. I looked in the mirror and my hair was a mess. And longer than last time.

I walked back into the room and got some clean underwear and put it on. It was lace underwear and they were black. I figured my favourite colour is black. I walked into out closet and tried to decide what to wear. "Baby. Come back to bed." Cain called.

I rolled my eyes. He was such a babh sometimes. I put on a black shorts and a grey top. I walked into the room a laid next to a naked Cain. "You should get up." I said as I played with his hair. Cain's hair grew quite a bit. It sat above his shoulders. It was long enough to tie up.

"I can sleep in. I dont know much about werecats but you love to get up early." He said and pulled the blanket over him. I tugged at his hair and he let out a low growl. I tugged a but harder and he groaned. This time I pulled harder and he grabbed my hands. "You are so stubborn." He said and I laughed.

"Your cute when your mad." I said and he smiled. He finally got out of bed and got dressed.

"So what do you want to do. Im free today." He said. What do I want to do?

"Lets go for a run." Shuri said excitedly.

"Shuri wants to go for a run." I said. Cain put on a shorts and a white top.

"We can do that." He said. I excitedly ran out the door and down stairs. I went to the kitchen and saw Andy and Joshua making out. Barf!

"Get a room you two." I said and they both jumped in fright and looked embarrassed. Cain walked in and looked at them. He gave me a questioning look. "They were making out." I said. Cain laughed and Andy blushed and they walked out of the kitchen. I laughed and sat by the kitchen island.

"What you wanna eat baby?" Cain asked.

"Pancakes." I said and Cain got cooking.

After breakfast we went outside. Cain went bahind a tree so he could undress while shifted and waited for him. He walked out and I ran to him. We started to in the woods and it felt great to run with Cain. 'You having fun?' Cain asked through the link.

"Yes I am." I said. I looked at the trees and jumped into one. Cain kept his eyes on me but now he had to catch up with me. I giggled as he tried to keep up.

'Elara. Follow me this way.' Cain linked me. I followed him and jumped down so he could take the lead. We ran into a cleaeing with different types of flowers. 'This place looks better at night but I have been waiting to show you.' He linked me.

I looked around and the flowers looked perfect. A butterfly landed on my nose and slowly tunred around. Cain looked at me and smiled. His wolfy smile was cute. The butterfly took off then landed on Cain's nose. I laughed as the butterfly left. Cain tackled me to the ground playfully and I fought back.

We were like kuds playing in the field of flowers. I ran from Cain and he chased me. He caught me and we ended up laying in the grass. Cain licked my fur and I purred. 'Cain. Elara. You there?' Jason asked through the link. I looked at Cain and he looked at me. He sounded worried.

'We're here. Is something wrong?' Cain asked him. He stayed silent for a while before he spoke.

'There is something in our territory and they are headed for the house. Whatever it is, its strong.' He said. We stood up and headed back immediately.

'We're on our way.' I said through the link.

We ran as fast as we could. Cain was mad that something was on his territory so he ran fast and went ahead of me. I jumped into the trees and caught up to Cain. When we got there, the pack was fighting four black panthers. What the hell?

Cain ran out and joined the fight. I watched but when one of the Panthers tried to bite Cain, I growled. I jumped out and attacked that panther. I pushed the panther to the ground and went for the other three. I flung the two small ones into a tree and the last kne had to be a male. He was bigger than me.

He lunged forward and I back kicked him, making him fly into the female that tried to hurt Cain. Everyone stood behind me and Cain stood next to me. "Who are you? What makes you think you can attack my pack?" I growled. The panthers got up and they growled at me. I roared and the one female stopped growling.

She took a step closer and I growled. She looked at me with teary eyes. I stopped growling and looked at her. She had blue eyes. I looked at the panthers behind her. It must be her family. "Who are you?" I asked again. Silence.

She looked at me and then a tear slipped from her eyes. "Elara?"

A Luna Change (Book 2 Of The Alpha Series)Where stories live. Discover now