Chapter 23

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Its been four weeks and Elara hasnt said a word to me. Its breaking my heart. I told Bella and Emma to stay with her but she even pushed them away. She was looking after herself but she refuses to let anyone help her. The only people she lets near her is her family. They said she doesnt talk but she is fine and so is the baby.

I had to talk to her. I had to fix things. "Cain. Garroth was spotted in the north side. We tried ro catch him but he got away and killed three of the Verons." Jaxon said sadly. I growled in frustration. "You gonna tell Elara?" He asked.

I looked at him and sighed. "We haven't spoken in week and you want me to tell her the news?" I questioned. He nodded his head without hesitation. I groaned in annoyance.

"Cain. You have to talk to her. Remember, she is mad at you. You need to fix things." He said and walked away. I sighef and walked into the house. I went up to our bedroom and knocked on the door. Sasha opened the door and smiled.

"Can I speak to her alone?" I asked. She nodded and she left. I walked in and Elara was just staring at the tv, which was playing teenwolf. She didnt even bother to look at me. Her baby bump got bigger over the four weeks and she looked healthy. I sat next to her on the bed and she still didnt look at me.

"Just tell her." Tyson said. I took a deep breath and watched the tv.

"Garroth entered our territory." Elara immediately looked at me and turned down th volume. Her face held worry and anger. "Three of the Verons tried to stop him but they didnt make it." I said. Elara took a deep breath.

"Was anyone else hurt?" She asked. I looked at her and shook my head.

"No. We spotted him before he could do anything." I said. "Ela listen. Im sorry I didnt tell you before about Garroth coming and going but I just wanted to protect you. Instead I ended up hurting you. If you hate me I understand but please, dont be mad at the others. Its my fault they are always busy." I said. Looking down at my hands as they suddenly became interesting.

Elara kissed my cheek amd I looked at her confused. "I am mad but I dont hate you. I just want to be part of this. Im sorry I yelled at you." She said and smiled. I smiled too and gave her a hug. "Now, I want one of your turkey sandwiches. Lets go to the kitchen." She said.

She grabbed my hand and lead me to the kitchen. I chuckled at her actions. We went down to the kitchen where my mkm and Sasha were making something to eat for everyone. "Am I seeing things our is Elara finally out of the room?" My mom asked.

"Yes Fiona. Cain and I spoke and we sorted everything." Elara said and they smiled.

"Thats good news. Strawberry?" My mom offered. Elara took a few and I made her sandwich. She ate her food while the others had theres. After a while, Elara startes talkkng to Emma, Bella and Andy and the guys.

"Cain." I turned to see Derek.

"What is it?" I asked. He showed me the tablet that was connected ro our security cameras. Garroth was in the west border side. Before I vould say anything four Verons found him. He smirked as he looked directly at the camera and killed the Verons. He looked back at the camera with and evil smile.

"Your little kitty is next. Keep fighting and you'll all be dead. Your making my life easier." He said then vanished. The next thing I knew, Panthea jumped in front of Elara and sropped Garroth. I ran to Elara while everyone went for Garroth.

I took Elara's hand and tried to get her inside but she pulled away. "Baby please I know you want to help but I need to keep you safe." I begged. She looked back at the fight then to me.

"I can help from here. Cain trust me." She said. She looked calm and so sure. I nodded. "Link everyone to hold onto something." She said. I nodded while she closed her eyes and focused.

'Everybody. On my command, grab something and hold on tight.' I linked. The wolves answered back and the Panthea knew. She linked and told her vampires. Elara's hair hand that emerald green colour and it went to her eyes too. Like she was weaeing a mask.

A panther spirit emerged from her and it roared. It jumoed into the sky and a tornado formed. "Everyone grab something!" I yelled. They all seperated and grabbed somerhing. The tornado formed aeound Garroth. He lifted into the air as rhe tornado's pull got stronger. Garroth was thrown far away into the air and the tornado disappeared.

Everyone cheered and Elara's hair and face went back to normal. She looked at me and smiled. "When did you learn to do that?" I asked, impressed at what she just did.

"I had a lot of time to talk to Shuri and we discovered a lot of new ablities the sprirt can do. It can affect the weather, ground and be used as an attack and defense." She said. I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"My kitten is so strong." I said and she giggled. Everyone went back to their duties and I took Elara inside. We went to the living room and turned to the tv on. "Lets not fight again. I missed you too much." I said and she laughed.

"I missed you too." She said. We sat there and watched our movie.

A Luna Change (Book 2 Of The Alpha Series)Where stories live. Discover now