Chapter 9

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"Found you." The guy said. I looked at him confused and he puled out a blade.

"Garroth." I heard Sasha whisper. I growled when I heard her say the name.

"Get out of my territory!" Cain growled. Garroth laughed and the elders looked at Garroth shocked.

"Your.." Vincemt started but didnt finish.

"A descendant of the moon goddess. Your wolves are weak by the way. Didnt even last two seconds." He said. Cain, Jaxon and I growled. "Dont be so upset. I just got rid of five weak links." He said. Five!

"Get out before I rip you apart." I warned him. I glanced at my family and they were slowly walking behind my pack members. Where they that scared of him? How powerful is he?

"Well then. Let me do you a favour and get rid of the old men too." He said. He dsrted for elder Ashton and Vincent. Its like time stopped with him but I saw him running. I jumped and landed in front of the elders. When time went back to normal, I was met with excruciating pain. I roared in pain. Everyone, even my famiky covered their ears. "Oh well. One less panther to worry about." Garroth said.

He expected me to fall. To give up. To accept the pain and collapse but I didnt. Rage filled within me. I turned to Garrkth and he looked surprised. I stood in a stance that no one could break me out of and eyed Garroth.

"I told you. To. Get. OUT!" I then roared. It seemed like a panther spirit jumped out of me and tackled Garroth and took him away. My roar made the trees falls and the birds flee for dear life. Many small animals that lived in the trees flead aswell.

I stopped and shifted back. I stood for a few seconds then I fell to the ground. "Elara!" I heard Cain yelled. I saw many figures come near me and the sound just disappeared. I felt light as a feather. Cain came into view and then my parents. They had tears in their eyes. I gave them a small smile. I felt numb then evrything went black.


Cain's pov

Elara shufted back after Garroth disappeared with that pamther spurit. Everyone stood shocked at what just happened. Elara turned to us then fell to the ground. "Elara!" I yelled and ran to her. Her parents ran to and pulled the dagger out of Elara. Her parents started crying and begging her to stay awake but it didnt seem like she was listening.

"Elara, stay awake. Stay with me. Your gonna be okay." I said and held her in my arms.

"Get the pack doctor!" Jaxon and Bella growled. They were scared and angry. I noticed Lucky and Kion watching us. 'Bella, get Kion and Lucky out of here. And the pups.' I linked her. She nodded and took the kids inside.

I looked back at Elara and she looked at me. "Your going to be okay." I said and moved a stray hair out of her face. She gave a small smile and her body started to get heavy. Her smile disappeared and she closed her eyes.

"No! Elara you have to wake up!" Bagheera said. Sasha was praying and hklding Elara's hand.

"Where the hell is the doctor?" I growled. My bond with Elara was fading. No! No! No! An ambulance came and Dr. Grey rushed out.

"Get her on a strecher." She said. They put Elara on a stretcher and took her to the ambulance. I got my car and Sasha and Bagheera joined me. We followed the ambulance to the pack hospital. I was panicking. The mate bond was fading.

When we got to the hospital they rushed her inside. We followed behind them. "I need help here!" Grey yelled as they took her into a room. For other doctors joined her and the nurse kept us out.

"I want to be with her!" I growled at the nurse.

"I know alpha but we need space to help her. It wont help if your in there and growl if they do something you dislike." The nurse explained. Bagheera and Sasha sat on the seats that was outside the room. Sasha couldn't stop crying.

I kicked the wall in frustration. "Dont work yourself up Cain." Bagheera said.

"I cant lose her Bagheera. Not again. Please not again." Sasha cried. I looked at her with pity. She lost Elara once. To lose her forever is going to damage her.

I felt a sharp pain in my said and growled in pain. Bagheera helped me stand as I almost fell. "I need help here!" He yelled. A nurse vame running.

"No. Your gonna put me to sleep so I wont feel her pain. Im not gonna leave her." I growled in pain again. More nurses came and tried to inject me with that sleeping liquid.

"Alpha you have to." She said.

"No!" I growled and almost hit the nurse. Jaxon caught my hand and held me back. "Let go!" I growled.

"Sorry mate." Jaxon said and they injected me aith the medicine. I felt sleepy. I tried fighting it but I fell asleep.


Jaxon's pov

I cought Cain as he fell unconscious. I took him to an empty room and laid him on the bed. I walked back to Elara's parents and Sasha's face was stained with tears. I sat next to her and tried ro comfort her. "Elara is a fighter. She will make it." I said. Sasha looked at me with more tears in her eyes.

"What if she doesn't?" She asked, her voice cracking at each word. I didnt know what to tell her. I was sure. Bella, Fiona and Hudson ran in.

"How she doing?" Fiona asked.

"We dont know. We just got here and they rushed." Was all I sais. Bella was about to cry. I srood up and pulled her into a hug. She immediately pulled away with worry in her eyes.

"Where's Cain?" She asked. I lead them to Cain and they sat beside him. Sasha and Bagheera joined too. Not wanting to be alone I supposed. We sat in silence and waited for Cain to wake up. Elara. You have to make it. Please.

A Luna Change (Book 2 Of The Alpha Series)Where stories live. Discover now