Chapter 12

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I looked around and evrryone was hapoy. They went back to training and the rest of us went inside. "How are you alive? We saw you die." Bella said.

"The mate bond even broke." Cain said. I know what he means. I can barely feel it but I srill loved Cain. I could see he looked hurt and sad. I gave him a hug and he hugged me back.

"Shuri told me that I have new abilities. Kne of them is immunity to the god silver." I said. They looked at me confused. I knew why they were confused. "God silver is something only gods can find. He stole it from the Moon goddess. Its the only thing that can kill the special pure bred animals." I said.

"Pure bred?" Fiona questioned.

"When a were cat has the same cat breed parents. Example, Sasha and I. We are both panthers." Bagheera said. Fiona mouthed oh.

"Elara. You said they get mkre abilities. What abilities?" Jaxon asked.

"The roar." I started but Hudson spoke.

"You mean that crazy roar that sent Garroth flying?" He asked. I nodded and they looked impressive. "Continue." Hudsln said.

"Im faster than the speed of sound. I can cause earthquakes when I stomp my paws on the ground and the immunity." I said. I explained to them what I had to do to activate the abilities and that it will only work if I want to use it.

"So what your saying is, your the only one who can kill Garroth?" Bagheera asked.

"Yes. Anyone can stop stop him but killing him will only be possible if a I kill him or another pure bred." I said. They all seemed tensed. "Did I miss anything while I was...gone?" I asked hesitantly. Cain walked out and I looked at the others. I expected rhem to answer but there was nothing.

"Cain is just dealing with something." Hudson said.

"With what?" I asked. Fiona walked up to me and took my hamds in hers.

"He took your death harder than all of us. This might be a little to much for him to handle." She said softly. I should've thought of that.

"Elara dlnt be hard on youself. Just spend more time with Cain." Shuri said. I excused myself and went to find Cain. I didnt find him in is office so I went to the room. I found him sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

I sat next to him on the bed. We sat in silence and none of us spoke. I moved to lean my back against the headboard and Cain looked at me. I tapped my legs and Cain laid his head on my lap. He moved up so he rested his head on my chest. I played with his hair and Cain held me tightly.

"Cain. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. Cain sighed and his eyes were closed. He opened his eyes but he didnt look at me. He seems broken. Just like I was. Or should I say still am?

"I cant feel our bond." Cain said. His voice cracked and I knew he was crying. "Its making it hard to believe your here. Alive. I dont want to wake up tomorrow and your gone. I cant handle that pain again." He said hugging me a bit tighter.

I kissed the top of his head. My top felt wet and he was crying. "I know. I dont feel the bond either. But I am really here." I lifted his head making him look at me. "And I dont plan on leaving again any time soon." I said and kissed him.

He kissed back and I slid down onto the bed. Cain was on top of me. The kiss was passionate. Cain kept his hand locked with mine to make sure I was actually here. He broke the kiss to catch his breath and I gently pushed him off. I took off his shirt then my own.

I took off my jeans and I was standing in my underwear. Cain still looked sad. I knew whaf he was thinking. I walked towards him and took his hand. I placed it on my waist and looked him in his eyes. "Im here Cain." I said. He looked at me with his puppy eyes. "I promise." I added. He pulled me into another kiss but this one was rough.

I was sitting on his lap and we were kissing. I kissed down to his neck and to the spot I made my mark. My canine formed and I marked him. Sparks flew. It felt like fireworks were exploding. Cain then turned so I was laying on the bed.

I took his pants off then his boxers. His eyes were completely black and I smiled. He took off my underwear and kissed me again. I felt his hand by my pussy. I wanted him to touch me. I wanted more. "Please." I whispered in his ear. He put his member in my pussy and I moaned. He started thrusting and went faster. I was going to lose my mind. With one big thrust he marked me.

I moaned his name and he smirked. I was so close to the breaking point. "Dont you fucking cum till I tell you to." Cain said in my ear. I screamed in pleasure. He pulled out and turned me around. He lifted my butt in the air and took me from behind. I held back loud moans but Cain pulled my hair. "Come on baby. I wanna here your screams." He whispered in my ear.

He started to thrust faster and I moaned louder. My ears and tail popped out and Cain grabbed my tail, rubbing it up and down. This was to much I couldnt hold it. I cummed all over Cain's dick. Cain pulled out and turned me onto my back. "Naughty girl. I told you to hold it." He whimpered seductively in my ear.

He put it back in and showed no mercy. He went kn his fastest and rubbed my tail. This guy really knows how to have fun. I was gonna cum again. "Cain." I moaned trtin to tell him but moaned instead.

"I know baby. You can cum." He whispered. With one last thrust, I cummed again and so did Cain. He pulled out and layed next to me. He pulled me lntop of his chest and kissed my forehead. "Thay was the best sex I have ever had." Shuri purred. I found myself purring to.

Cain chuckled and I looked up at him. "Its not funny." I said.

"I know. Its cute. He said and kissed me. I felt tired. Cain really took a lot out of me. My eye lids felt heavy. I couldnt keep them open. "Sleep baby. Get some rest." He said. I closed my eyes and made sur eI was holding Cain's hand. I wasnt going to let go.

A Luna Change (Book 2 Of The Alpha Series)Where stories live. Discover now