Chapter 22

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I was busy filling out some papers when Elara came rushing in. She looked confused and mad. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Whats with the vampires?" She asked almost growling. I sighed and leaned back in my seat.

"That is a long story." I said. She sat on the sofa and crossed her arms.

"Well you have enough time to tell it." She said and waited for me to explain. I told her Panthea's story and Elara's face softened. Elara sighed and leaned into the sofa. "So we have more allies. So when I heard Scott and Travis talk to your father, they did say it wasnt Garroth at the south east border." She said.

I looked at her concerned and angry. "You hiding things from me Cain. You need to tell me." She said. I sighed in frustration.

"I cant Ela."

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because I dont want you to put yourself in danger. You need to be safe and protevt our unborn child."

"I get that but your not telling me things. Security went up drastically, the vampires joined our side, everyone is constantly busy while Im left in the dark." She argues back.

"You need to understand that we dont want you to help us right now!" I growled and Elara went silent. She looked at the ground then to the wall. She had tears in her eyes. I shouldn't have yelled. "Elara I..."

"Dont. I know when Im not wanted." She said and walked out the room. I rubbed my templet and growled.

"Fuck!" I threw everything off my desk and tried to slow down my breathing. Bella walked in and stared at the mess. "What do you want?" I asked.

"Ela just ran upstairs in tears. I came to tell you but it looks like your going through something." Bella said. She picked up some of the papers and placed them on my desk.

"I told Elara that we didnt need her help. I think I hurt her feelings." I said. Bella placed another stack of papers she picked up onto my desk.

"You told an panther who loves to fight and protect her loved ones that you didn't need her help. Im assuming its also because she is pregnant." Bella said. I sighed and helped her pick up the rest of the papers.

"Its not just that. She feels left out because everyone is busy and she doesnt know the full reason why. She is sad and upset. I just made her feel worse." I said. We picked up the last few papers and sat down. Bella put her hand on my shoulder and I looked at her.

"Sasha told me that werecat females are protective over their loved ones. She acts like a mother to all except her mate. He is supposed to be there to help and support. Elara's motherly instincts are starring to kick in and she isnt protecting us. We are protecting her. She is scared we get hurt because of someone who is after her." Bella explained.

I looked at the wall and Bella made circles on my back. We stayed in silence then Jaxon walked in. Bella filled him in on what happened so far and I stayed silent. Jaxon agreed with what Bella said and they waited for me to speak. "Cain you have to say something." Jaxon told me.

"I love Elara and I want to protect her. Her being a cat is making it difficult." I said.

"Maybe thats why Panthea told me to check on you." I looked up to see Danté. "Panthea overheard your argument with Elara and called me the minute she walked away." He explained. He sat next to Jaxon.

"You didn't have to come." I said.

"If I didn't, Aria would have my head. I havent had a kid yet but Aria as her times when she gets needy and wants ro do dangerous things. It leads to a lot of fights and disagreements and nights in the dog house." Danté said and we all laughed. "The point is that they dont like being protected. For normal wolves, we would usually give them space and time but our girls are more obsessive too."

"What does that have to do with this?" I asked.

"Let me say it this way. Cats are clingy. They want to be aeound their mate or kids all the time. What cats love doing is a challenge. Fighting to protect loved ones is a werecats challenge. A dangerous one. They dont care about their life but when a female is pregnant they will protect their unborn baby but they want to stay informed about the danger aeound them. Your taking that away from Elara." Danté said.

"I should tell her everything, shouldnt I?" I questioned and they all nodded. "Thank you for the advise guys." I got up and walked upstairs to Elara. I opened the bedroom door and she wasn't there. I checked around the house and asked around if anyone saw her but no one did and she wasnt around the house.

I went outside and checked the front yard then the back. I gound her talking to Andy and Stan who looked scared out of their minds. What the? I walked up to them and Elara didnt even turn around. "Hey whats going on here?" I asked. Elara turned around and her eyes were the brightest green I have ever seen.

Her hair then had a shade of green in it and Elara was growling. "Why didnt you tell me Garroth has been here?! Taunting! Hurting the pack! Why!" She yelled getting everyone's attention. Jaxon, Danté and Bella came running out of the house.

"I wanted to protect you. I was about to tell you, I promise." I said.

"Then what? Lock me in the house? I cant do this Cain. You cant keep me away from Garroth. Im the only one who can end him. Amd your keeping me locked up in the house. Your being just like him." She said and walked away.

"Im nothing like that sorry excuse for an alpha. Im sorry." I said but she walked into the house and slammed the door.

A Luna Change (Book 2 Of The Alpha Series)Where stories live. Discover now